Even though I understand its a little weird to post a rant like this without directing it to someone / somewhere, giving a link, or even giving more information, I really don't feel that this is something that is deserving of anyone else to see especially when it will no doubt upset other people aside from me. I would just rather not do that to anyone else - honestly. I really have to get these thoughts out of my head and I'll be done with it. And to be even more honest, I don't want them getting any undeserved traffic to their sites - NOT FROM ME ANYWAY!!
HftL was created in order for ladies (whom they openly make fun of) to have a place to go to feel normal, safe to share thoughts and emotions, and just be a typical hockey-loving / hockey player-loving, red-blooded female. And honestly, they're the same, but do it in such a way that it appears to be a joke -- I've always been told that 50% of jokes are the truth anyway (so you figure it out my bitchy little "friends!")!!!!! It's pretty easy to make fun of people from behind a computer screen!!
What's the big deal about age??? Honestly, they have NO IDEA how old I am - NONE unless they're talking to other male hockey fans (who really wouldn't know either) who seem to get off on younger female hockey fans such as themselves whom would also be jail bate just a few short years ago (SUCK IT and stop supporting men who indirectly hold you to different standards and are too busy ignoring their own lives and reality in order to run their mouths to write daily novels on their opinions and thoughts which no one with any brain would give two crocks of shit about -- oh these men do take the time every so often to objectify women who were also jail bait only a few short years ago, if not STILL ARE, and I think it's pretty funny how these chicks will allow men to act like that and think it's OK but always point out FELLOW FEMALES who do similar to that with men (in a much less obnoxious manner), but make it out to be weird and perverted -- they actually look at these males "manly" or something -- WHATEVER, freaks - you dumbshits are actually allowing them to make fun of ALL FEMALES - even YOU - not just the ones you're making fun of yourselves!)!!
[OH, and I just want to mention to one certain male fan of yours that the "Cup" they have at the HHOF isn't the REAL one and the day he went to visit it - no matter what day that was / would've been - wasn't a day that the REAL ONE happened to be there - you were dry humping the wrong Cup you moron - it's a REPLICA - and if he was anykind of hockey fan, he would be aware of that!)!!!]
I have one more thing to say about age - SWEETIE, your vagina doesn't magically shrivel up and turn to dust when you turn a certain age and I AM CERTAIN that you will be finding that out in just a few short years -- as crazy and opinionated as you are with your blogs -- I would bet my life on your turning into the very women you currently make fun of. At least we turn our free time and passion into something that is positive and isn't going to negatively affect someone -- you, on the other hand, are so small that you spend your time making fun of people and things that you feel too arrogant to understand -- GROW UP!!!!!!!!
YES, my husband is ok with what I do because (1) he's not a fucking bully who tells me what I can and cannot do / think / feel / say, (2) he's a big enough man and confident enough in himself and our relationship to realize that, like him, I have not died and lost the will to look at the opposite sex because we gave each other matching rings, and (3) understands that this is something that is an enjoyable part of my life that makes me happy, so he's all for it which makes him MY BIGGEST FANTASY MAN OF ALL (SUCK THAT LADIES and maybe if you stopped being such a bitch and took the time to stop denying who you really are, you too would have that kind of a husband - or at least a husband to talk of)!!!!

Bottom line is that we're all alike and all human beings and none of us are perfect even if we claim to be (I'm sure there are TONS of things you don't like about yourself that you would be making fun of it was someone else!). There's always a fine line we're walking no one matter who we are - no one can avoid that when they look themselves in the mirror.
Regardless of what this results in, this will be the first AND final time that you will hear me talk about this because I don't make it a point to waste my time thinking / talking about other people's issues with me -- I say my peace and move on (I can't say the same for others, nor do I care)!! But I do feel the need now and again to defend myself and what I believe in especially when it's to someone that has no clue!!