
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crosby Pictures of the Week

SIDNEY CROSBY ... the smile, his HAWT goal celebrations, and that tongue!!!  I really don't think much more needs said ... ENJOY, ladies!!! ; )


Monday, November 29, 2010

PenPics of the Week

Remember these??  NO??!!  Let me jog your memory since I haven't been keeping up with the blog like I used to ... HERE'S THE LAST "PensPics" post ... CLICK HERE!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Today is Fleury's birthday ... he turns 26!!!

THANKS to Jessica for reminding me!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Here's a little Thanksgiving Day cheer ... two previews of the upcoming HBO reality series "24/7 Penguins / Capitals Road to the NHL Winter Classic" -- one interviewing Sid and Max (Crosby & Talbot Interview) and the other one interviewing DJ King and Eric Godard (the enforcers of the teams) ... ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's A Boy (Nolan Kennedy Ward)!

THANKS to loyal reader, Alanna K., for this hockey newborn tidbit!!!

Carolina Hurricane's netminder Cam Ward's wife, Cody, gave birth to their first child at 6:30 AM this morning - a baby boy named Nolan Kennedy.  According to the Hurricane's webpage:
Justin Peters gets a surprise nod in goal for the Hurricanes, as expected starter Cam Ward became a new father at 6:33 a.m. on Wednesday. Ward, who was at the hospital with wife Cody overnight as she prepared to give birth to son Nolan Kennedy Ward, will still dress as the backup.
“If it had been at a reasonable hour and he had a chance to get some sleep (it might be different), but he just didn’t get a chance to get any,” said Maurice. “We wanted to give Justin his first home (start), so it worked out.”

Crosby Pictures of the Week

THANKS to all of you who sent me this lucious cover pic of Sid from the most recent (December 2010) issue of The Pittsburgh Magazine!!!

And I had to throw in a "less current" picture of Sid but still SO RELEVANT (because it's part of the "Let's Take This Outside" / Winter Classic campaign AND because he just looks too HOT to ignore - I just didn't come across it when I posted the others!!! ; )

ENJOY, LADIES (I know I always do!)!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

SHORT Hiatus ...

This post is probably a tad-bit late, but my motto for the blog it seems is (say it with me) ... "better late than never!"

I've had a few unexpected things come up that have taken me away from the blogs and having any time to work on them so I've just decided to take a short time "off" (probably just the rest of this week and maybe the weekend which I normally do anyway).

I wanted to post SOMETHING just because I feel like I'm obligated to with such loyal followers ...  THANKS for all your continued support of the blogs and I hope to see you next week, ladies!!

TRY to enjoy hockey without us! ; D

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WE Believe in Fleury!!

I got another email last night from Alanna ... this time she included a pictured of the "finished product!"  So if you took part in her awesome project be sure to look to see if you can find your signature (and watch for her on TV tonight ... I can almost bet they'll have her on!)!! ; )

THANKS, Alanna ... enjoy tonight's game!!!  LOVE THE SIGN (I'm sure Fleury and the guys will too!)!!!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Crosby Pics of the Week

OK, ladies, this week's pics are of Sid looking AS GORGEOUS AS EVER in his Winter Classic gear - jersey and skull cap (and I have to thank loyal HftL follower, Laura H., for bringing the last one to my attention yesterday!)!!

ENJOY!!! ; )

I about DIED when I saw this one!!!  Look at that face!!!  I especially LOVE the ad ... [UPDATE ... SORRY, ladies ... I forgot to mention that this picture came from the Dick's Sporting Goods webpage!]

Let's take this outside???
With THAT look, sweetie, I'll take it anywhere you want it!!! ; P

Monday, November 8, 2010

WE Believe in Fleury!!!

I recently received an email from a reader who has asked me for our help:
So, the story is that I am making a sign to take with me to the Penguins game this coming Wednesday (the game against the Bruins). Lately, as we all know, there has been media talking about everyone, even the coach apparently, losing their faith in Fleury and I'm sure all this negativity is affecting him, at least a little bit. So I thought of making a sign using an alternate form of the Twitter hashtag, '#IbelieveinFleury', so I changed it to #WeBelieveInFleury and I'm trying to put people's autographs to put all around the words.I've already gotten a really good response from my followers on Tumblr and I have about 25 autographs so far- but I need many more! That's why I was hoping you guys could help me spread the word and get more names!
I'm going to the game on Wednesday so I'm not sure how many more names I'd get in time for me to finish the poster Tuesday night (I'm at school downtown so I'm just walking over to the arena after class!) ...
My tumblr link is in case anyone sends an autograph. (Also, if they could tag it with 'pghpens29 sign' I can find it easily) The sign is almost full on the front but I can always add some on the back or squeeze them in, so all autographs are welcomed!
If anyone is interested in submitting their name (to be included on the sign), PLEASE do the following:
  1. SIGN your name on a blank piece of printer paper
  2. SCAN and UPLOAD (or take a picture and UPLOAD it) to:
    * tumblr (BY TAGGING IT with "pghpens29 sign")
    * OR upload it to a phot hosting site then email the link to

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hilary and Haylie to be at Tonight's Game

I just read that Hilary and Haylie Duff will be at tonight's game against the Anaheim Ducks to support her hubby, Mike Comrie.  From Haylie's twitter:
Early morning audition, then excited to head down to anaheim for the pens game and cheer on Mikey! #GoComrie!
I'm pretty sure we'll have a sighting (probably along with a few other celebrities!)!! ; )  There's NO WAY Steigy will miss that!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

(I honestly don't think anything needs said, do you?!!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's A Girl!!

According to HC Dan Bylsma, Duper made it to Pittsburgh eight minutes before his new daughter was delivered into this world this morning afternoon.

Little LOLA DUPUIS was born 12:57 PM this afternoon weighing in at 5 lbs., 8 oz.

Sid's thoughts on the birth:
I think throughout the year we have all played with a bunch of different combinations, so I don’t think it should take too much of an adjustment. Obviously he has more important things to worry about. It’s pretty special and we are all happy for him. I’m sure he won’t be out too long and we’ll all have to play well in his absence.

Baby Dupuis ON THE WAY!!!

The Penguins webpage just announced that Pascal Dupuis is on his way back to Pittsburgh to be with his wife, Carol-Lyne, who is in labor with their fourth child.

WE'LL BE SURE TO KEEP YOU UPDATED AS WE LEARN INFORMATION (stick-tap to Maureen for reporting the Pens tweet!)!! ; )

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Crosby Picture of the Week

LOVE this one of Sid and Johnny!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Duff Decked Out in Penguins Gear!

Last Friday, the Penguins played the Philadelphia Flyers.  And the following day, a 'celebrity gossip' blog posted the following:

which starts out saying, "It’s a hockey night in Pittsburgh! (Whatever that means.)"  REALLY?  I guess!!! 

ANYWAY ... it reported that Hilary tweeted “Got my hat on representing and ready for a win tonight!!! Let’s go pens!!” complete with a picture (BELOW)!!

I don't have much of a clue when it comes to fashion, but "ugly?" Really?  Its corduroy with a Pens logo ... WTF is so "ugly" about that????  WTG, Hilary ... keep supporting your hubby AND THE PENS!!!! ; )