
Sunday, October 19, 2008

NEW HftL Blog Gadget

Heart & Soul is a Sidney Crosby fanfic written by one of HftL's loyal readers, Lauren, and since I enjoy it so much, I decided to include a new gadget on this blog to let all of you know when she updates with a new chapter (located to the left under Talbot's Blog update gadget).

So if you haven't started reading it yet, I suggest you do (but start from the beginning). Believe me, as I already said on this blog before, I was never a real fan of fanfic; nor am I much of a reader, but this is definitely worth reading and has already been "HftL Approved!"

I'd also like to thank Lauren for sharing this photo on her most recent post (AWESOME picture) - THANK YOU!!


  1. In RE: THAT PICTURE!!!!!

    He even looks good in B&W.

    He also looks good as a lawyer (laughs)

    I have aparticular fondness for b&w photography.

  2. The guy would look good in a garbage bag!!

    I am a fan of B&W photos too (sepia as well).

    He's just too perfect - I can't stand it!
