
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Captain Sid Believes in Us TOO!!

If there was ever a doubt in any of your minds that Sid believes we're capable of becoming a 6th man on the ice and giving the Pens an advantage during home games -- read on!! Yesterday he was asked about playing on the road against Philly at the Wachovia Center and here's what he had to say:

"I’ve played here a lot personally," he said. "As a team, you always expect on the road in the playoffs for it to be more challenging. You expect the other team to have energy. It’s nothing new. It’s always a little more difficult on the road anyway. I don’t think it’s any more challenging because it is here."

When he was asked if Penguins fans will respond to the Flyers in the same manner at Mellon Arena, Crosby replied:"I’m sure they’ll answer it, yeah. I’m not worried about that."
That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside -- gee, THANKS Sid!!

And I'll be one of those fans who get to respond as I was lucky enough to get Game #5 tickets yesterday (YEA!!!)!!!! I won't let you down, Sid!!!!

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