
Friday, May 29, 2009

Another Entertaining Cabbie Video

This one covers tricks players use to intimidate their opponents (and Bill Guerin makes an appearance) -- FUNNY stuff as always!! And get a load of Eric Staal - looking good in that gold shirt [calm down Kena -- how many times have you watched this already?!!]


  1. [calm down Kena -- how many times have you watched this already?!!]

    Um I respectfully request the protections of the 5th Amendment and decline to comment.

    [giant sheepish grin, I really can't count that high.]

  2. I love Bill Guerin!! lol great video!

  3. :( the video has been removed...

  4. ha bill guerin

    if it hadn't been for the media (pens site, here, etc.) i never would have thought that bill guerin was a joker.

    but he is!
    and now i'm waiting for someone to say that miro is a riot too.. ha ha!
