
Thursday, June 18, 2009

He's the youngest captain to have won the Stanley Cup

At the age of 21, Sid became the youngest team captain in NHL history to hoist the Stanley Cup on Friday, June 12th.


  1. I haven't been able to stop smiling since Friday night! :D So happy for them!!!

  2. And I'd like to reiterate Reason #25 (confident without being cocky). Sidney's had to deal with this whole handshake-debacle, and he's been unwavering in his stance that he did nothing wrong. That type of confidence is what really lights my fire!

  3. This is a great site. I absolutely love it.

  4. @Staal1187Crosby - I know! It has been exciting; it gives me chills just thinking about it!!

    @Doolz - Thanks for mentioning Reason #25 again because this recent handshake crap is the perfect example!!

    @saved2serve87 - THANKS for the compliment and we're glad you enjoy it (hope you'll be a regular here!)!!

    THANKS for the comments, ladies - KEEP THEM COMING!!! ; )

  5. I don't know which makes my day more - that fabulous pic of Sid with the Stanley Cup or the reason...oh heck, let's just say both...

  6. there was actually an interim captain named brian bellows, who in '84, won with the north stars. his birthday was 9/1/1964...
    im sure you know sids- 8/7/87 and he won in '09.
    but officially, it's still sid!
