
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sorry Ladies, Jordan Has "the Girl"

OK - some of you probably already know this, but for those of you who don't, I need to warn you before you watch the new Cabbie interview -- Jordan has a GF (I broke the news to Kena gently, but she seemed to take it pretty well). This video is the first time I've actually "secured confirmation" on it!!

Anyway, Jordan, TK, Scuds -- still adorable, ENJOY!!!

"Damn right I want it!"


  1. I love how Jordan said brother at the end! Actually. I love Jordan in this whole video! He's so cute! I love the "damn right I want it." haha. I love the Penguins. and Cabby. (:

  2. good for jordan! somehow i knew he would find "the girl" soon. :D if he's happy, im happy.

  3. @cheer41 - I know what you mean because I love Jordan in this video too; I LOVE anytime we get to see ANY "human" side to the guys (the part of them you don't get to see on the ice / playing).

    @ -- I know it's good when these guys get a life of their own outside hockey (I'm not sold on the idea that Sid ever will), but I think Staalsy's had this one for a few years now, so yeah - it's nice!!

    THANKS for the comments -- KEEP THEM COMING!!!!

  4. Sadly, The Girl has been in the picture for quite some time now...

    She was also at the Skates and Plates dinner a few months ago and was seen (and pictured) with him and some other players at a baseball game a few weeks ago

    Her name is Heather, and as far as I know, she's from Thunder Bay as well...

  5. @Lauren -- THANKS (that's what I thought) - supposedly on and off since 2007.

  6. hey ladies, I know this post is WAAAAAY old, but the link doesnt work any more :( *cries*.

    If anyone could find a working link to that interview I would be eternally grateful!!!!!!!
