
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's A Girl!

Miroslav Satan and his wife, Ingrid, are the proud parents of a new baby girl named Victoria who was born on Sunday, July 12th. This is the second child for them; their first born is son, Miroslav Jr.



  1. Congrats to them!

    There have seemed to be a lot of Pens' babies this year. Or is it just me? I never knew that any Pen was expecting a child this past season=/.

    Everytime I found out that a Penguing player and his wife was having a baby, it was on this site.

  2. Earlier this year, I think back in February or March, Sergei Gonchar and his wife also had a baby girl they named Victoria! Congratulations to the Satan family for their new addition!

  3. @PK 37 - there were alot of Pens babies this year (must've been something in the water!)!! And I'm glad this blog was informative for you (I do try hard to find stuff you won't find anywhere else, so that's a compliment!)!! THANKS!!

    @mtfree - yep -- I also posted when she was born too; they did name her Victoria (and that's exactly what I thought when I found out that's what Satan's daughter was named!)!!

    THANKS for posting comments, guys -- I appreciate the interaction!!!
