
Monday, September 21, 2009

Eastern Conference Eye Candy: Garnet Exelby (Toronto Maple Leafs)

I know we've been slacking this summer (me moreso than Kena, I think), so with the pre-season in full-swing and the regular season closely approaching, it's definitely BACK TO BUSINESS, ladies!!

I'm at the Penguins pre-season game against the Toronto Maple Leafs last Friday night in my seat watching the teams warm-up. We were at the end where the Leafs were and for some reason #3, Garnet Exelby, catches my eye / interest - I should've known right away he's a defenseman - I'm drawn to them alot for whatever reason [rolls eyes and chuckles madly]. I, of course, made a mental note to "look him up" after the game when I had some free time.

Once I did do my research, I IMMEDIATELY decided he would be a perfect choice for the EC Eye Candy today and I'm thinking you'll agree!!

He's a big, solid defenseman at 6'1," 215 pounds and was traded to the Leafs this past July by the Atlanta Thrashers along with Colin Stuart for Pavel Kubina and the rights to Tim Stapleton making Exelby the last of the Thrashers' original 1999 draft class to depart from the Atlanta organization. The Thrashers drafted him in the 8th round (217th overall). He's Canadian born in Ste. Anne, Manitoba but raised in Craik, Saskatchewan.

Just look at those eyes and that smile and hair (a similar type of sex hair that Letang has made infamous!) and TRY not to fall to a pile of mush!! Good LORD - he's pretty (scars and all!) - don't even get me started on his upper body!! We can just throw him in the pile with all the other HP's that could pose as models!!!

Although I DO NOT put alot of stock in anything Pierre "Fee-Fee" McGuire has to say, I just couldn't resist including this quote about Exelby in the post, "Garnet Exelby brings a whole lot of nasty" (definitely my kind of man!). The picture to the left from a recent pre-season game against the Philadelphia Flyers last Saturday (September 19th) taken during his first period scuffle with Ian Laperriere would demonstrate that pretty well (even though it appears he got the worst of it). He said himself that he and Laperriere have "bad-blood" between them.


  1. Ummm...yeah...NON!! He's a goon....

  2. To get to Garnet Exelby, you have to get through his super-fan Gretchen! I remember reading he even gives her his used equipment, so he gets bonus points for being awesome to his fans.

    Not good pictures to demonstrate your case, but I don't mind the nasty anyway. Plus, awesome name!

  3. SORRY deservey - goons need love too and this one gets my vote (everyone has an opinion and is entitled to it, so I respect yours) -- ALL voices heard here at HftL.

    @Pip - no need to get through anyone; I have enough FAVS to last a lifetime -- just throwing XLB some love!!!!!! We can appreciate HP's from a distance : P

    THANKS for commenting, ladies, keep 'em coming!!! : )

  4. Exelby is awesome. We really miss him here in Atlanta. He's a really funny guy, he did a lot of funny commercials and spots in the arena. I also know his super fan, she's in total mourning

  5. Oh and I have some good pics of exelby, too.

  6. I went to the pre-season game with my mom on Friday and spent warm-ups down in the Pens end.

    When I got back to my seat, my mom leaned over to me and said, "Hey, that Exelby is really cute!"

  7. Anyone who gets nasty with a flyer is a friend of mine, and he's cute to boot. Your taste, as always, Steph, is fabulous :)

  8. @Sunshine36616 - THANK YOU - GREAT pics (I honestly couldn't find too many of him!)!!

    @Kylie - that's cute!! See - he must've been "eye-catching!" I was all the way up in Section F which should tell you that he had some kind of appeal!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who "caught" it!! : P

    @Val - I agree completely and THANKS -- I do massive amounts of exhausting research!!! : P ; )

  9. If you want to see a really funny Ex video, check this out

  10. cute.
    beats flyers.
    sounds like my kind of man :-)

    does anyone know if Pens Radio is broadcasting the game tonight? or if i can find a video feed online?

  11. @Char - the Penguins will be broadcasting on their new HD Penguins radio station which streams live on their webpage. I have more info here:

  12. If anyone gets the NHL network on cable, the game will also be aired there.

    It's nice to see the various faces from around the league. While one hottie may not appeal to everyone, there are certainly others that appeal to others. I think that everyone has their favorites.

  13. @mtfree -- EXACTLY and that's exactly why I started this blog (too many HOT HP's to go unnoticed / unmentioned!!); PLUS we all learn a little something about other teams / players which is always good!!! ; )

  14. You're right, Stephanie. It's nice to see who's out there, learn a little more about them, learn a little something about other teams. I still have my favorite eye candy, but it's nice to widen the horizon! Keep up the good work!

  15. I ADORE Garnet Exelby, so glad he's getting some love from others too!

    Random fun fact about X, he has a penchant for wearing goofy hats. And he literally signs his autographs "XLB" that's just badass =)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Trying this again...

    I'll donate an old photo of X from his Chicago Wolves days:

  18. That's so weird to see Exelby in the NHL. He was in my youngest sister's class in elementary. I have pictures of him with his little kid mullet and halloween costumes. hee!!

  19. OH Tina -- you know we'd all love to see that (a HftL exclusive?)!!! : P Email me if you're up for it (that would be an AWESOME halloween post!)!!

    THANKS for the comment!! ; )

  20. Haha..Doing a random search on my boy and came across this blog, where some girl from London mentions me. I do have some of his equipment.:) He does know my name, and I am in mourning, but better. I wish he'd come back to ATL. Our d is weak without him. He's not a goon and dservey misunderstands. He is not a huge fighter. He is a hitter, and there's a difference. He comes to Blueland this January....and I can't wait! Thanks for the mention, and glad you guys like Garnet too!

  21. Tina...I would love to see those xlb kid pics hee!
