
Monday, October 19, 2009


I found this yesterday on the Penguins webpage (and I have to "copy and paste" it here because it's just too cute to paraphrase!)!!
The locker room was unusually quiet after practice. The large media group that normally follows the team off the ice was largely absent, with the Steelers playing a 1 p.m. game in Pittsburgh.

This gave captain Sidney Crosby a break from the throngs of reporters that normally would gather around him at his locker. He took this free time to have a little fun with a special locker-room guest. Penguins’ radio analyst Phil Bourque brought his 3-year-old son, Dylan, to practice with him, and the youngster had a field day with the guys in the room.

Dylan took an instant liking to one of Crosby’s sticks, grabbing a hold of it while Crosby relaxed, still wearing his equipment. The two played tug-of-war with stick.

Pascal Dupuis and Matt Cooke decide to jump in on the fun, and they convinced Dylan to give Crosby a little slash on his shin guards.

“Tell (Crosby) to cut that stick down for you,” Dupuis joked.

Crosby hopped up from his seat and disappeared into the locker room runway area. He returned shortly with another one of his sticks.

“Here I’ll trade you,” Crosby said. “This one can be yours to keep.”

Crosby has been trying out new sticks this season, and the one Dylan originally picked up must have been one that he liked. Dupuis knew this and took the opportunity to prod his captain again.

“Tell him you want that one, the other one,” Dupuis joked, trying to get Dylan not to accept the new stick.

But Dylan was thrilled with the stick, and it wasn’t long before he wandered over to the tape rack with his new prize.

“What’s this dad?” Dylan asked his father.

“That’s hockey tape,” Bourque replied.

Dylan wrapped a little tape on his stick and practiced some poke checks and stick work with Crosby.

Dupuis invited Dylan to give his shin guard a playful slash. Every one in the locker room got a good laugh out of the whole situation. For the players it was a welcome break from the media circus.

And Dylan had a great time. Here’s what Phil Bourque had to say to the team after the visit:

“Thanks for allowing him to hang out today. He hasn’t stopped telling people how much fun he had.”


    Oh my God<3
    This just actually got me out of bed this morning,I'm not gonna lie.
    btw, my word verification is pensms.

  2. Now that is a good way to start the week!

  3. awwwww
    so cuteeeee.
    i want one! (sid, the kid, or sid's stick. I'm not picky)

  4. That's really cute. They all seem really good with kids, especially Sid. He's going to make a great dad! I think it's funny he wanted his stick back

  5. Oh how cute! What a great story! Too funny how Dupuis kept trying to make trouble. lol
    Sidney is going to make a wonderful father someday. I think most of the guys are.

  6. Seriously... That was freakin' awesome!
    I'm at work and just got a chance to check my txts. I saw this and stealthly brought the page up on my phone so I could see what the title meant*
    So glad I did!!

  7. omg that is so sweet/cute! I think they're all going to be amazing dads, is there anything more attractive than a man that's good with kids?

  8. awwwwwwwwwww that is so freakkingg adorable! those guys are amazing! hahah <3

  9. i wish they had that on adorable

  10. that's freaking adorable!!!!
    sid is amazing.

  11. Aww thats what makes those penguins so darn awesome. They are all such sweeties
