
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Crosby Picture of the Week

THANKS to HftL reader, Sarah, for letting us know this picture is from Hello Canada magazine's Top 50 Most Beautiful Canadians from earlier this year (I'd say they got THE perfect picture to illustrate that!); HftL even did a post on it, but didn't have this picture at the time).

THANKS again, Sarah!!

Whether or not it has to do with the Pens recent losses, I haven't been able to find any good pictures of Sid this past week, so I decided to look through my arsenal of archived Sidney photos that I stashed away for this very situation to see if there were any I have yet to feature.

Low and behold - I found one!! I'm not quite sure when or what this is from (it has to be some kind of fashionable whoopdy-do with a shirt / sweater like that and his hair all slick), but when I came across it my panties instantly disintegrated.

GOOD CHRIST it should be illegal for one guy to look this good!!


  1. It's from Hello Canada's 50 Most Beautiful Canadians issue earlier this year (

    I know this because a friend was in Edmonton on business and brought this back for me because there were cute hockey players in it.

    It's still sitting on my coffee table with a pile of other to-read magazines and catalogs...

  2. someone please dial 911.... My heart just stopped.

    That may the best picture of him I've seen... ever, really.

  3. See? So gorgeous I lost all capabilities to use proper grammar...

  4. this is beautiful. thank you stephanie!

  5. He's just flawless.
    Name one thing thats wrong with...
    sorry what?

  6. ........sorry, had to clean up my keyboard from the drool. Beautiful way to start the morning!

  7. @Sarah -- THANK YOU!!!!! Since you're not reading the magazine, you can send it along to me!! ; P

    @Jay - oh yeah, 9-1-1 - I actually forgot the numbers for emergency after seeing that picture (THANKS!)!! : P

    @Sunshine36616 - I know, it is pretty great, isn't it?!!

    You're welcome @Caitlin (just doing my "job" as your HftL host)!! ; )

    @Joyce - : ) I know - total loss of words (I experienced the same thing!)! ; P But "holy cow" is appropriate (I'll accept that!)!!

    @Ashlen - flawless is a really good word

    @Val - drool, JESUS - I was eating my keyboard!! ; P Sidney is ALWAYS a beautiful way to start the morning - wouldn't you say?!!!

    THANKS FOR ALL YOUR COMMENTS -- LOVE 'EM, so keep them coming!! : )

  8. Um, "50 Most Beautiful Canadians" and no Staals??!

    My illusions are crushed, about Canada being perfect. However, I too feel that this is one of the VERY best pictures of him, I've ever seen.

  9. I want to go kiss whoever took this photo!
    They should get a medal or something!

    And steph, what you said about your panties... yeah, I know the feeling! LOL

  10. heh heh, my daughter has the same eyes as him..

    He has lovely eyes.

  11. that picture may have been IN the 50 most beautiful, but it was taken for last years NHL media day. here's the other shots that go along with that pic... from getty, so there's watermarks but still pretty :)

  12. Such a nice picture! Made me weak at the knees that's for sure!

  13. I dug it out of the pile on my coffee table and yup, that's the one. Page 83, next to Sheldon Souray. Here is the little blip that goes with it:

    "At the tender age of 21, Sidney is one wanted man. Not only did the sizzling Pittsburgh Penguins player cause a firestorm of excitement by becoming the youngest NHL captain in history, Sidney also sets his female fans' hearts ablaze-- both on and off the ice!"

  14. Hot DAMN! You see, this is why I come here: when the Pens lose some games, I get down in the dumps about it. The eye candy on hftl instantly cheers me up! Thanks a BUNCH for this one ; )

  15. Not a Crosby fan but this is a nice pic of him. I just found your blog. I play hockey and blog on it myself but this is so much fun!

  16. on a kind of unrelated note, Sid was on "This hour has 22 minutes" last night and my mum's first reaction upon seeing him

    "Now there's a good looking boy..."

  17. @EisCDN - I can just tell that I would LOVE your mother!!! ; P

    I did see that on some internet listings; I'm going to have to do some searching to post it here!! : )
