
Monday, November 2, 2009

PenPics of the Week


  1. 1. Crap... I'm not in the normal shot-blocking pose... this could be bad...
    2. Did you see that?! I scored! -- Yeah dude! That guy got owned!
    3. Good game Flower, sadly, I must go. -- Ees ok mon cap-i-tan! (Look at that smile... SO CUTE!!!)
    4. Dude, I said no piggy back rides until after the game! Now back off!
    5. Parry, parry. Thrust, thrust... good! Next time, we'll break out the light sabres though! The clash will look awesome!

    This is what happens when I don't have to work and I'm all hopped up on Coca-Cola and these yummy little doughnuts that are covered in sugar and coconut!

  2. I hear ya (but it's fun!)!!!

    THANKS for the Monday pick-me-up @Rebelheart87!!! : )

  3. I think we should make @Rebelheart87the official caption person for the PenPics of the rocked it, girl.

    I'm with Stephanie, total pick-me-up for Monday!

  4. aww aw awwwwww(:
    the one of sid & flower <3
