
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sid with the Torch

Honestly, that was AMAZING!!! I seriously felt proud as he carried that torch (although you could barely see his 5'10 frame!)!!

I did try to get some screen caps for you to enjoy (too much going on - my brain is fried!)!! They're not great, but they're something (I'm going to look for the more "professional" pics now!)!! ; P

I hope you guys got to see the LIVE stream and enjoyed it as much as I did!!


  1. I watched on TV and loved it! So exciting...

    Although I do feel bad for the Olympian snowboarder that had to go after him.
    There was so much media on Sidney you could hardly see him; then they all left as soon as she got the torch... kinda sad.

    Anyway, it was great to watch! I look forward to seeing an better pics you can find =D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Here's a couple of pics from it:

    Still no video or anything though =[

    Sigh, any other time things like this would be up five minutes after it was done.

  4. The number on his jacket is #186...I wonder why they didn't put one more person in front of him so he'd be #187!! Looking amazing as always though! I'm an American but I'm super excited for Team Canada & the Olympics!!

  5. It was pretty awesome... the feed kept freezing b/c of my crappy connection, so I hope to watch it over on YouTube or something.

    I agree though, they should have made him 187... i mean COME ON people!!!!! LOL :-)

  6. Thanks so much for the better pics. I was so aggravated watching the feed because you literally saw him for 5 seconds in the beginning, and then forget about it...
