
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hockey Scars and Porn

I got a couple emails from readers that included this particular photo - snapped after Geno got his HT during last Wednesday's game against the Sens - which illustrates the fact that Jordy hasn't lost his good looks (did we ever doubt that?!)!! It just makes him look more "rugged" and manly, doesn't it?!!!! And that's a VERY GOOD thing -- just ask Kena if you have any doubts!!

; P

Speaking of more rugged and manly, as of last Tuesday's game against the Sabres, Staalsy has decided to 'chuck' the entire shield from his helmet and has gone back to no protection (I figured as much - that's what they usually do).

THANKS to Petra N. and Sophie for sending me the picture and link so I could share it with all of you (LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS SMILE!)!!!

As a sidenote, Staalsy didn't go home to Thunder Bay for Christmas but "showed off" his scar to the family via web cam!! "Everyone seemed to love it a lot," he said.

On our way to that game last Wednesday, John and I listened to Mark Madden on 105.9 the X who made a remark about how many girls probably wanted to jump him after he got hit and returned to the ice with a scar (do you think Madden reads this blog??!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!)!!!!!!

And speaking of Mark Madden AND Geno's HT ... during the same broadcast, Super Genius said he felt Geno was going to have a breakout game with scoring that evening and said that if he had 4 points he would send Malkin some porn (John and I referred to it as "four for porn" from then on out and wouldn't you know it ... YOU LITTLE DEVIL, GENO!!! ; D [if it works, it works -- who am I to question?!!]!

So how about "FOUR MORE for MORE PORN"??? That's got a ring to it, don't you think???!!!!! I think I'll have to contact Madden about this!! ; P


  1. Whatever it takes. I'm prepared to try anything. Think the porno thing will get Malkin (or anyone else) fired up for the next Devils game? The Pens need *something* against that team.

    Staalsy's scar makes me think of a country song, "Chicks Dig It" by Chris Cagle.

    Scars heal/glory fades/and all you're left with are the memories made/pain hurts/but only for a minute/life is short, so go on and live it/'cause the chicks dig it!

  2. Seriously... this post did me in. I'm a Staalsy lover to begin with, but when you put Staalsy and Geno in one picture like that... ***Poof*** i'm done for.

    Clothes melted off, computer spontaneously combusted, and me on floor...

    @CrackerLilo... great song choice!!!!


  3. THANKS to both of you for commenting on the post!!

    I actually FELL IN LOVE with the title of it when I came up with it; in fact, you're mentioning a country song @CrackerLilo makes me think that this title would be an AWESOME COUNTRY SONG!!!! ; P

    For WHATEVER reason, "hockey scars and porn" just seems to logistically fit and it rolls nicely off the tongue (makes it all interesting!)!!!

    I partly have MM (Madden) to thank for bringing it up during his broadcast --- WHAT a character he is!!!

    I'm glad you ladies are enjoying the posts ... it just makes it all that much more fun (sharing it with others who understand and have the same addiction to HOCKEY and the Pens!)!!

    ; P

  4. So I'm loving the titleeee.
    & The picture is absolutely adorable (:

  5. I've always thought that song went PARTICULARLY well with the sport of hockey myself.

    how many girls probably wanted to jump him after he got hit and returned to the ice with a scar...

    We ALL know there's at least ONE girl. [sheepish grin]
