
Thursday, January 14, 2010

He Holds Press Conferences
(when there's too big a demand by the media for his time)

WHAT A GEM!!! Although, I'm sure his manager or PR person has a lot to do with this ... STILL, he had to agree to it, I'm pretty sure!!

For his swing through western Canada, there has been a big demand for a minute of his time by the media (for whatever reason, he's quite a star in those parts - HAH ; P) and instead of turning anyone down, they scheduled him for a press conference and answered all the questions then.

“It was something that I expected,” Crosby said. “There are the extra things that you do. I would say by the end of the trip it’s a little bit more draining than a typical road trip would be, but that is to be expected. It is something that is part of it.


  1. There is also a good video of the press conference on Youtube, uploaded yesterday which is slightly less shaky!

  2. @Mezzels - THANKS for that (would you mind emailing / posting that link since I'm at work and they block all access to YouTube - NO FUN!!!)!!! ; P

    : )

  3. I was so impressed that he did a press conference, as well. What a classy, classy man!

  4. It's smart to try handling as many media outlets as possible in one go. I'm still amazed by just how popular he is in Canada.

    BTW, I'm surprised you haven't said anything about the "marriage proposal" he got at the game last night!

  5. @CrackerLilo -- I haven't posted alot of things that are on my mind just because I haven't had time to fit everything in (I've been staying late at work to be able to take off tomorrow for a LONG weekend)!!! I should probably start blogging during the games just to have time and fit everything in I want to ...

    With that said - I saw 'her' and her marriage proposal and my thought was, "out of ALL the proposals he's gotten, what makes her think that it'll be any different just because she shows up in a white dress and veil?!" In fact, I was embarrassed for her, but then again, it didn't look like she realized (they say ignorance is bliss!)!! ; P I wouldn't be caught dead entering a hockey arena wearing that no matter HOW CRAZY I am for Sid (she was probably the talk of the locker room, but it was about proposals ... he probably got razzed!)!!

    Anyway, I'll probably have a little extra time this weekend to get all my thoughts out and into posts, so if the mood strikes me ... I may do a post on little Miss Blondie Bride!!! ; D

  6. Okay... i have to admit it, the more I watch him handle press and all the celebrity at 22, the more attractive he becomes...

    Very cool move, and he probably preferred it too. I love it though "I just stay in the cage".

  7. Oh, I'm sure all the other Penguins enjoyed it.

    I'm grateful for her, though. A good friend called me before the game, and this hasn't been a good week for either of us. (Won't go into it; we'll both be over it.) But between her and the guy who sang that "Pants on the Ground" song on American Idol, we ended up laughing so hard we had to take a break to breathe!

  8. @aBurghGirl

    I totally agree with you, can you imagine having to deal with this pressure/crap and he's only 22! He's been doing it like a champ since he was probably 14. Personally you stick me in front of a camera and I clam up etc.
    He seems like such a private person yet he's willing to do anything - including deal with an over zealous media in order to play the game and make the fans happy!

    I'm not surprised how popular he is here. We always have at least one person in hockey that we absolutely worship (and trust me there are people that worship him - it's kind of freaky) and one that we hate, although that one fluctuates. That being said there are the "Sidney Crysby" haters out there too.
