
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Crosby Picture of the Week

I'm sure you can understand why my favorite part of last night's game was when Sid decided to get scrappy with Zetterberg at the very end of the game (too little, too late) then had to fend off Detroit's rookie goalie after Zetterberg couldn't take care of business for himself ...

WHICH IS WHY this week's photo is of Sid mouthing off to 'Baby Howie' with his helmet off ... talk about TOE-CURLING!!! ; D

I love seeing Sid get fired up, but Sid fired up with his helmet off displaying that sweaty matte of hair under there is just ... AGH ... mind-blowing!!!

So ENJOY (I know I am!)!!! ; )


  1. I'm totally with you on this one. When I watched the fight and his helmet came off I thought it was dead sexy.

  2. I have to agree. I love it when Sid lets the Beast out!

  3. I was literally in the middle of telling my mother "Sid has matured into such a fine, classy young man..." when he did that. She looked at the TV, looked at me, and raised an eyebrow.

    That said, he did look pretty manly ;)

  4. OH, I LOVE that, @Ally!!! Thats hilarious ... and Sid has matured as a person / player, but a person can only take so much, you know (he IS only 22!)!!! ; )

    Love "manly" Sid and LOVE when he "lets the Beast out!"

    KEEP THE COMMENTS COMING, LADIES ... I enjoy them immensely!!!

    ; )

  5. How did I know you would enjoy that? ;-) Crosby's really entertaining when he's frustrated. And did y'all see Guerin push a couple Red Wings aside to help? Mmmmmmmmmm....

    Hope he brings some of that to DC tomorrow!

    @ Ally: That's hilarious!

  6. Mmmm thanks for posting this. I'd love to be the ref, pulling him away in a hug

  7. Definitely a drool worthy moment last night. Something about that sweaty hair and him going at it...

  8. i just found this blog and im so excited amazing sport + sexyman like crosby this is the best webpage EVER! and all the pics you have of him OMG! id like to physically assault him in a non violent way ;)

  9. @ monaleighmon
    That is one of the best reactions I've heard in awhile lol. I think many of us have thought that at least once before.

    @ aBurghGirl
    You're right, the sweaty hair and fighting is what really gets a girl all fired up :]

  10. There is not a whole lot to say after reading these comments other than I wholeheartedly agree that Sid + temper on ice = Sexy Beast!
