
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Crosby Picture(s) of the Week

My dear, SWEET Sidney ...

Please, please, PLEASE stop being so damn sexy or else I'm literally going to explode!!

GOOD CHRIST IN HEAVEN ... HELP ME (I can't breathe!)!! ; P


  1. He just can't help it. It seems to come so easy and natural to him :-)

  2. Thank God you posted those pictures. Is there an interview too? And have they airbrushed his butt, sadly, it's looking a little smaller in that pic?

  3. Oh my LORD!!!! I'm not sure I can even function after seeing those pictures.

  4. @ India: My brain went *right there*--"Did they airbrush him or try to pose him to minimize his rear or what?" I don't think whoever's responsible for this ad understands how many fans that butt has!

    Otherwise, really excellent picture and excellent ad, too. If I was Canadian, I'd feel patriotic all over. :-)

  5. @stoneyblue ... lucky ME!! ; P

    @India ... we must've all saw the same thing (especially those of us who are "fans!")

    @Joyce, @aBurghGirl, and @Val ... LOVE your choice of wording (I could've used any variations of those when I saw this pic!)!!

    @CrackerLilo ... I definitely felt something all over although I'm not quite sure it can be considered "patriotic" since I'm not Canadian!! ; P

  6. Nothing like seeing a pic of Siddo and a Canadian flag together to make this Canadian girl happy!

  7. @EHisCDN -- glad I could help!!!

    @Midnight -- GLORIOUS is a really good word for him!!!

    : )

  8. that was sooooo wrong to look at before I head to bed. damn you Sidney for being that fine to make all my dreams hot and steamy....must run air conditioner tonight.

  9. Oh GOODNESS. What Kiki said! I was on my way to bed, thought I'd check blogger, and found THIS. I need help.

    A little, er, bummed that the boo-tay got minimized. Methinks Reebok doesn't know us very well :P
