
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Crosby Picture(s) of the Week

This week's pics are from my very own personal library (which I single-handled created in ONE DAY at that game last Saturday!)!!! ; P These are two of my FAVS and there's really no story to go along with them unless you want me to make one up which I could most likely do!! : D

This is really how close our seats were (and it was AH-MAZING - BEST TIME EVER!)!!!


  1. If you hadn't taken advantage of having seats that close, I'd have wondered what was going on with you. :-) Glad you got to enjoy the view!

  2. je suis jalouse!
    lucky, lucky you!

  3. Stop. Making. Me. A. Crosby. Fan. ;-P

    Seriously, though, the pictures are gorgeous!

  4. AMAZING PICS!!!! Anyone could be a Crosby fan from that close ;-)

  5. Thanks for posting both sides of Sidney ;)

  6. I thought having 6 row seats at the wings/pens game last week was amazing...but glass seats!! I hope that this isn't a one time thing for you!! I hope you make it a yearly pilgrammage (sp?)!! :)

    Thanks for sharing your photos!!

  7. oh gosh!..I was at this game!..I watched the warmups from the right of the net..and my seat was in IGLOW2!..It was a great game...and my heart almost stopped when max went down..but when I saw tanger laughing I figured he was you had as much fun as I did!

  8. An entire library in one day.

    Has the camera recovered yet? Or will you have to invest in an entirely new one??
