
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Follow / Friend Me on Twitter & FB!!

I could really use more fellow Pens fans as friends on Facebook and following me on Twitter (I miss Penguins hockey already and would really enjoy talking hockey with all of you!!)!!!

So if you haven't already done so,

FRIEND ME on Facebook!!
(please mention "Pens" in the request)


  1. I'm already following you on Twitter under the name @greeneyedlilo. I do tweet about lots of things besides hockey and the Pens, though. I like how you're thinking--I hate the thought of losing touch with other Pens fans over the summer!

  2. Well THANKS ... I won't have much of a break with HftL (ALWAYS some hottie to talk about), but my other blog may suffer! I'm hoping LOTS of others feel like we do!!!

    : )

  3. PS -- also, I decided not to follow friends on Twitter with my blog accounts, but going to use "StephLUVSthePnz" for following friends, just so you guys know!! ; )

  4. I'd love to friend you on Facebook, Stephanie, but I'm not sure what to search under (don't know your last name). Tried the email for your blog, but didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks!

  5. Picked you up on both! I miss the season too...looking forward to commiserating :)

  6. @Staal1187Crosby -- I linked the post to both my accounts and I'll you have to do is click on "Follow" or "Friend" in this post ... THANKS!!! ; )
