
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where My Ladies At?

(How I Became a [Female] Hockey Fan)!
I grew up in a town just outside Toronto, so as a child I watched the Toronto Maple Leafs on Hockey Night In Canada. Always pestering my dad as to what was happening in the game. I had never really considered myself a fan as a child because I just watched whatever my dad was watching. As I grew up, other sports took my attention and hockey was put on the back-burner. That was until my grade 11 math class, there were only about 15 people in the class and only 4 girls. I wasn't particularly good friends with any of the girls so I naturally started talking with the rest of the guys in my class. Well, all they talked about what hockey, seeing as several of them played on teams in the city. That was when I decided to get back into hockey, I started watching more games on the TV, looking up games on the NHL website and looking up team roster's to know all the players' names.

I was instantly drawn to the Pittsburgh Penguins, their core of young players was amazing to watch (and Sidney Crosby is nice to look at). Plus, Jordan Staal played for the OHL team in my city and I remember watching a few games when he played here. With my choice of NHL teams, I had to defend my team and its players constantly; from the taunts of "Sidney Crybaby" to "Pens aren't going to make the playoffs." I shrugged them off and stuck with my team. Which brings me to this past playoffs; every time they showed a Pittsburgh game, I took control of the TV and would fight whoever tried to take the remote. I had a collage of Penguins Photoshops that I had found on the internet posted behind my computer. When it came time for Game 7 of the Finals, I sat faithfully in front of my TV, watching the final minutes behind my fingers. I nearly tackled my father after he changed the channel after the game was done, as I wanted to watch all the celebrations.

And this is how I became a female hockey fan!

Rebecca van Staalduinen
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Again, another story involving a girl's love for hockey beginning with the influence of her father (I just LOVE that!!)!  And HOW LUCKY to be from the town where Jordan Staal played and to be able to watch him in the OHL ... just amazing.  THANKS for sharing your story with us, Rebecca!!

Don't forget, if you wish to submit your story, I kindly ask that you
email them directly to me so they don't end up being repetitive for some of the readers. Also, if you don't want me to include your name, please let me know that as well (what I'll normally do is put your first name and last initial if I have it OR just your screen name).


I also want to let you know I LOVE these stories (and so do alot of our readers) - I've always found it interesting no matter who the fan, so I'm enjoying ALL OF THIS IMMENSELY!! KEEP THEM COMING, but I ask that you
email them please - THANKS!!!

Also, I ask that you please BE PATIENT as I'm still receiving TONS of stories (they'll be posted in the order I received them, to be fair). If you sent in a story, it will eventually be on the blog - I promise!! ; ) JUST BE SURE TO KEEP THEM COMING (the more the better!)!! AS A NOTE, I'm currently on stories I received back in November 2009!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great story. My hubby and I are Petes fans. We knew all about Eric and Jordan Staal before they hit the NHL.

    Glad to know there are some true Pens fans up there!
