
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fisher's Agent Dismissing Rumors - Wedding Date was Always and is Still Set for July

According to today's Ottawa Citizen, Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher are getting married in July.  The OC source spoke to Fisher's agent who said that it was set for July from the beginning and they never changed it late recent reports have speculated.
"There's no basis to those reports whatsoever," said Fisher's agent, Todd Reynolds, who posted a Twitter entry Wednesday countering the reports.

Reynolds said the couple's wedding date has not changed -- although he declined to reveal it out of respect for his client.

"There's no delay (in the wedding date), everything is going along according to plan. The date that they've chosen from the beginning is still the date," he said.

"You can imagine trying to move the date of something like that," he added. "It's like trying to make a U-turn in a 18-wheeler on a one-way street. It is what it always has been, there's no change in the wedding plans."
Underwood's social calendar is pretty "free and clear" after July 5th until she heads back out on the road on July 31st which should give them plenty of time to celebrate and have some alone-time together on their honeymoon ... GOOD FOR THEM!!! : )

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