
Thursday, June 3, 2010

He's a Dog ...
(since a dog was just named after him!)!!!

[you all KNOW ME BETTER than that ... I would NEVER be derogatory about Sid!]

I'm certain that Sid has MANY "namesakes!"  Both "Sid" and "Crosby" are quite suitable for awesome names for both man and "beast" alike which is what this week's reason is all about.

If Sid wasn't so GREAT (on and off the ice) ... he wouldn't have so many babies and / or pets named after him!!!

THANKS to Lisa, one of our readers, who sent me the link to the recent story in the Chronicle Herald (which is SO CUTE!) about a German Shepherd puppy who was named after Sid by Grade 6 students at Colby Village Elementary School in Cole Harbour (Sid's former elementary school).  They won a national contest beating out more than 9,000 other entries for a chance to name this cute little puppy!!

"Crosby" is 11 weeks old and being trained as an RCMP service dog.  Interestingly enough, RCMP puppies are named alphabetically, like hurricanes, and they were on the letter "C."
"With a name like Crosby, the RCMP is in for a good police dog," principal Andrew McNeil said at the assembly, also attended by Premier Darrell Dexter, who represents Cole Harbour.

Coincidentally, this week's female fan story also includes a picture of her pet named Crosby so be sure to check that out!!


  1. ahh thank you for using my link today i thought it was such a cute little story. those little kids must really love him up there and its not hard to understand why

  2. Great name choice, kids! I love both dogs and Sidney, so this was especially nice to hear about! ;-)

  3. Great choice on the name and what a CUTE puppy!
