
Friday, July 16, 2010

Pics from Pens Development Camp (HOTTIES in the Making, FOR SURE!)

THANKS to loyal HftL reader, Lisa (and her mother-in-law), who attended yesterday's practice session at the Iceoplex in Southpointe I'm able to post some really great pics her MIL took!!

Lisa also made sure to tell me for us to get a good look at Patrick Killeen who appears to be a "hottie in the making" and, as Lisa describes, has "a smile to melt any girls heart." Making my own observation, take notice that Beau has a thing going with his tongue (sorta like Sid and TK) ... even better fit than I originally thought! ; P
"i totally was awestruck by some of these guys yesterday [Wednesday]. the pens sure know how to pick them. and despres defense is really coming along well. i totally made a follower out of sue my mother in law. she cant wait till the iceoplex practices this seaon and neither can i ..."
"... if you need any other info just let me know anyway i can help."
ENJOY, ladies (and THANKS again, Lisa and Lisa's MIL!)!!

"oh i have hottie to look out for patrick killeen? a goaltender and is gorgeous someone said he played for brampton. oh they were doing some drills and the new draftee reid mcneil got hurt he got smashed on the knee. when someone landed on him. he went back out and seemed fine. despres defintely looked bulked up."

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much they look great up there. i specifically picked those pics of beau for the tounge because sid does the same thing. hope all enjoy we had alot of fun
