
Monday, September 6, 2010

HAPPY LABOR DAY! Later Today on HftL ...

While I know I said I would work on a post when I got back home, I didn't realize that I would be out so long and now I'm running behind on other "more pressing" things.  I hope you understand.  I feel like it's not worth posting so late when I can save it for next week.  I apologize (and hope you guys are too disappointed) ... I promise there will be one next Monday (and that THERE is a post for tomorrow ... it's already done and scheduled!)!! ; )

Get ready for a special ECEC.  I'm busy earlier today, but should have time to come back home and work on a post, so check back!!!

ENJOY your Labor Day my American friends!!! : D (SORRY to my Canadian friends ... I didn't realize it was Labour Day for you too!)!!


  1. its also labour day in canada dont forget about us:)

  2. Yay! Love your blog. :)

