
Friday, October 29, 2010

Where My Ladies At?

(How I Became a [Female] Hockey Fan)!
Here's my hockey story:

Hockey has been a part of my entire life. Some of my earliest memories were sitting on our couch watching the Av's and throwing styrofoam blocks at the tv (aiming for the refs) when we didn't like the calls. Even though I didn't quite understand the game, I still loved it. My dad (and mom for two seasons) played in a rec hockey league and I would ALWAYS be at the games. I grew up in that place. To this day I go every Wednesday and I am always flooded with the memories.

Over the years I strayed from the game a little bit but whenever I was asked my favorite sport I never hestiated to say proudly, hockey. I was a fan but I wasn't what I would consider a "die hard" fan. I only watched the playoffs and the Stanley cup finals. That was it…until this year.

In September I was dealt a situation that I never thought I would ever go through. My father of whom I loved and had that special father daughter connection with had decided that he wasn't happy and was going to move out and leave my mother. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Crushed, devestated, and betrayed would be more fitting words. And it wasn't too long before that "special connection" we had was slipping away. The physical distance was driving a wedge between us. Out of pure desperation to salvage our relationship I reached out and latched onto the closest thing...which happened to be hockey. I started watching all the games and when that didn't seem like enough I started following stats, players, and other teams. It has become a boredline obsession.

Time has passed and although I am not happy with my situation there's two good things that have come out of it. The first being my newly found connection with my mother and the second being refinding my love for the greatest game on earth. Being only 17 means I have a lot of life ahead of me but for now I go from day to day and look forward to the hockey games on week nights because sometimes something that small can improve my week tenfold and make my crappy situation seem just that much brighter.

-Stevie Rae <3
THANKS for sharing such a personal story, Stevie Rae!!  Having such an emotional attachment, especially at such a young age, to something can allow us to get through the toughest of situations and it's importance can place a more positive spin on the experience.  I'm glad that hockey has done that for you, Stevie Rae and hope that your situation has gotten better (or has at least allowed you to learn that you can make it until better times are here!)!!

Don't forget, if you wish to submit your story, I kindly ask that you
email them directly to me so they don't end up being repetitive for some of the readers. Also, if you don't want me to include your name, please let me know that as well (what I'll normally do is put your first name and last initial if I have it OR just your screen name).


I also want to let you know I LOVE these stories (and so do alot of our readers) - I've always found it interesting no matter who the fan, so I'm enjoying ALL OF THIS IMMENSELY!! KEEP THEM COMING, but I ask that you
email them please - THANKS!!!

Also, I ask that you please BE PATIENT as I'm still receiving TONS of stories (they'll be posted in the order I received them, to be fair). If you sent in a story, it will eventually be on the blog - I promise!! ; ) JUST BE SURE TO KEEP THEM COMING (the more the better!)!! AS A NOTE, I'm currently on stories I received back in January 2010!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for posting my story! My situation has gotten easier to deal with but cool fact. My dad had to move to Maryland for work and he's only about an hour from Pittsburgh so for New Years he's flying me out there and taking me to the Winter Classic!!! :D Super excited!
