
Friday, December 3, 2010

Where My Ladies At?

(How I Became a [Female] Hockey Fan)!
I find your blog very inspirational, and, well, delicious, with all those adorable hockey players featured in it! I also appreciate very much what you are doing to help female hockey fans. I am a 15 year old teenage girl, and the only hockey fan in my class. (Well, it’s a class of 34 kids..but yeah.) I’ll even say I’m the only real hockey fan in my whole school. It’s tough. I am from Buffalo, and my favorite team is the Sabres, but the Penguins are my second favorite team, followed by Chicago Blackhawks and then Vancouver Canucks. Anywho, I get called a puck bunny from time to time. There is nothing that I despise more than puckbunnies. I actually go to the games to watch some hockey, and cheer for my favorite players (Drew Stafford, Derek Roy, and Paul Gaustad). Sure, I’ll admit it, they are ridiculously good looking. But that only emphasizes my love for hockey! I believe that hockey players have the most class (well, most of the hockey players..), respect, and love for their community out of all the other sports. They have a unique, charismatic charm to them, and I truly do respect and look up to them.

My love for hockey began when I was little. My grandpa and dad would occasionally get tickets to the games, and I would go. I just loved being there, the atmosphere, the food, the game. But my real love began for hockey began about three years ago. my mom's boyfriend was a huge Sabres' freak, and they were doing insanely well. That’s when the obsession set in. I was called a bandwagon fan, but I shrugged it off and just loved the Sabres more. I grew to love the game even more, and to this day it is still my passion, me loving it more & more each day. I haven’t been called a bandwagon fan for about two years.

Some of my guy friends (and a few girls) ask me if I am a puck bunny. I always seem a little..hurt by this, but give them a fully detailed response as to why I am not. Even my best friend accused me of watching the games just for the players, but I completely shot that back and once again had to defend myself. I watch hockey for the action, the excitement. For the mind-blowing goals, crunching hits, and superior saves. I watch hockey because I love it.

Kim M.
THANKS for your story, Kim!!  The term "puck bunny" is one that female fans are all too familiar with and one that I believe will be woven throughout our entire life as a hockey fan ... unfortunate, but inevitably true.  Just know that you're not the only one that is tormented with this title and stay strong knowing you have a family of female fans out there to support you and understand your struggle!  Thanks again!!

Don't forget, if you wish to submit your story, I kindly ask that you
email them directly to me so they don't end up being repetitive for some of the readers. Also, if you don't want me to include your name, please let me know that as well (what I'll normally do is put your first name and last initial if I have it OR just your screen name).


I also want to let you know I LOVE these stories (and so do alot of our readers) - I've always found it interesting no matter who the fan, so I'm enjoying ALL OF THIS IMMENSELY!! KEEP THEM COMING, but I ask that you
email them please - THANKS!!!

Also, I ask that you please BE PATIENT as I'm still receiving TONS of stories (they'll be posted in the order I received them, to be fair). If you sent in a story, it will eventually be on the blog - I promise!! ; ) JUST BE SURE TO KEEP THEM COMING (the more the better!)!! AS A NOTE, I'm currently on stories I received back in January 2010!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

His [Accuracy] TRICK
(that's a man who KNOWS what he's doing with a stick)

He Knows He's the SHIT - Because HE IS!!(watch him smile and give a little gesture)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crosby Pictures of the Week

SIDNEY CROSBY ... the smile, his HAWT goal celebrations, and that tongue!!!  I really don't think much more needs said ... ENJOY, ladies!!! ; )


Monday, November 29, 2010

PenPics of the Week

Remember these??  NO??!!  Let me jog your memory since I haven't been keeping up with the blog like I used to ... HERE'S THE LAST "PensPics" post ... CLICK HERE!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Today is Fleury's birthday ... he turns 26!!!

THANKS to Jessica for reminding me!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Here's a little Thanksgiving Day cheer ... two previews of the upcoming HBO reality series "24/7 Penguins / Capitals Road to the NHL Winter Classic" -- one interviewing Sid and Max (Crosby & Talbot Interview) and the other one interviewing DJ King and Eric Godard (the enforcers of the teams) ... ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's A Boy (Nolan Kennedy Ward)!

THANKS to loyal reader, Alanna K., for this hockey newborn tidbit!!!

Carolina Hurricane's netminder Cam Ward's wife, Cody, gave birth to their first child at 6:30 AM this morning - a baby boy named Nolan Kennedy.  According to the Hurricane's webpage:
Justin Peters gets a surprise nod in goal for the Hurricanes, as expected starter Cam Ward became a new father at 6:33 a.m. on Wednesday. Ward, who was at the hospital with wife Cody overnight as she prepared to give birth to son Nolan Kennedy Ward, will still dress as the backup.
“If it had been at a reasonable hour and he had a chance to get some sleep (it might be different), but he just didn’t get a chance to get any,” said Maurice. “We wanted to give Justin his first home (start), so it worked out.”

Crosby Pictures of the Week

THANKS to all of you who sent me this lucious cover pic of Sid from the most recent (December 2010) issue of The Pittsburgh Magazine!!!

And I had to throw in a "less current" picture of Sid but still SO RELEVANT (because it's part of the "Let's Take This Outside" / Winter Classic campaign AND because he just looks too HOT to ignore - I just didn't come across it when I posted the others!!! ; )

ENJOY, LADIES (I know I always do!)!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

SHORT Hiatus ...

This post is probably a tad-bit late, but my motto for the blog it seems is (say it with me) ... "better late than never!"

I've had a few unexpected things come up that have taken me away from the blogs and having any time to work on them so I've just decided to take a short time "off" (probably just the rest of this week and maybe the weekend which I normally do anyway).

I wanted to post SOMETHING just because I feel like I'm obligated to with such loyal followers ...  THANKS for all your continued support of the blogs and I hope to see you next week, ladies!!

TRY to enjoy hockey without us! ; D

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WE Believe in Fleury!!

I got another email last night from Alanna ... this time she included a pictured of the "finished product!"  So if you took part in her awesome project be sure to look to see if you can find your signature (and watch for her on TV tonight ... I can almost bet they'll have her on!)!! ; )

THANKS, Alanna ... enjoy tonight's game!!!  LOVE THE SIGN (I'm sure Fleury and the guys will too!)!!!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Crosby Pics of the Week

OK, ladies, this week's pics are of Sid looking AS GORGEOUS AS EVER in his Winter Classic gear - jersey and skull cap (and I have to thank loyal HftL follower, Laura H., for bringing the last one to my attention yesterday!)!!

ENJOY!!! ; )

I about DIED when I saw this one!!!  Look at that face!!!  I especially LOVE the ad ... [UPDATE ... SORRY, ladies ... I forgot to mention that this picture came from the Dick's Sporting Goods webpage!]

Let's take this outside???
With THAT look, sweetie, I'll take it anywhere you want it!!! ; P

Monday, November 8, 2010

WE Believe in Fleury!!!

I recently received an email from a reader who has asked me for our help:
So, the story is that I am making a sign to take with me to the Penguins game this coming Wednesday (the game against the Bruins). Lately, as we all know, there has been media talking about everyone, even the coach apparently, losing their faith in Fleury and I'm sure all this negativity is affecting him, at least a little bit. So I thought of making a sign using an alternate form of the Twitter hashtag, '#IbelieveinFleury', so I changed it to #WeBelieveInFleury and I'm trying to put people's autographs to put all around the words.I've already gotten a really good response from my followers on Tumblr and I have about 25 autographs so far- but I need many more! That's why I was hoping you guys could help me spread the word and get more names!
I'm going to the game on Wednesday so I'm not sure how many more names I'd get in time for me to finish the poster Tuesday night (I'm at school downtown so I'm just walking over to the arena after class!) ...
My tumblr link is in case anyone sends an autograph. (Also, if they could tag it with 'pghpens29 sign' I can find it easily) The sign is almost full on the front but I can always add some on the back or squeeze them in, so all autographs are welcomed!
If anyone is interested in submitting their name (to be included on the sign), PLEASE do the following:
  1. SIGN your name on a blank piece of printer paper
  2. SCAN and UPLOAD (or take a picture and UPLOAD it) to:
    * tumblr (BY TAGGING IT with "pghpens29 sign")
    * OR upload it to a phot hosting site then email the link to

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hilary and Haylie to be at Tonight's Game

I just read that Hilary and Haylie Duff will be at tonight's game against the Anaheim Ducks to support her hubby, Mike Comrie.  From Haylie's twitter:
Early morning audition, then excited to head down to anaheim for the pens game and cheer on Mikey! #GoComrie!
I'm pretty sure we'll have a sighting (probably along with a few other celebrities!)!! ; )  There's NO WAY Steigy will miss that!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

(I honestly don't think anything needs said, do you?!!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's A Girl!!

According to HC Dan Bylsma, Duper made it to Pittsburgh eight minutes before his new daughter was delivered into this world this morning afternoon.

Little LOLA DUPUIS was born 12:57 PM this afternoon weighing in at 5 lbs., 8 oz.

Sid's thoughts on the birth:
I think throughout the year we have all played with a bunch of different combinations, so I don’t think it should take too much of an adjustment. Obviously he has more important things to worry about. It’s pretty special and we are all happy for him. I’m sure he won’t be out too long and we’ll all have to play well in his absence.

Baby Dupuis ON THE WAY!!!

The Penguins webpage just announced that Pascal Dupuis is on his way back to Pittsburgh to be with his wife, Carol-Lyne, who is in labor with their fourth child.

WE'LL BE SURE TO KEEP YOU UPDATED AS WE LEARN INFORMATION (stick-tap to Maureen for reporting the Pens tweet!)!! ; )

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Crosby Picture of the Week

LOVE this one of Sid and Johnny!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Duff Decked Out in Penguins Gear!

Last Friday, the Penguins played the Philadelphia Flyers.  And the following day, a 'celebrity gossip' blog posted the following:

which starts out saying, "It’s a hockey night in Pittsburgh! (Whatever that means.)"  REALLY?  I guess!!! 

ANYWAY ... it reported that Hilary tweeted “Got my hat on representing and ready for a win tonight!!! Let’s go pens!!” complete with a picture (BELOW)!!

I don't have much of a clue when it comes to fashion, but "ugly?" Really?  Its corduroy with a Pens logo ... WTF is so "ugly" about that????  WTG, Hilary ... keep supporting your hubby AND THE PENS!!!! ; )

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween from the NHL (featuring Malkin Goal)

Perhaps a day early, but I figured you may as well have some time to enjoy it!!

The Penguins posted the latest NHL commercial (for Halloween) that features, among a few others, Malkin's "flying through the air" goal on Ottawa's Brian Elliott (during the Pens' 5-2 win over the Senators on October 18th).

"These guys are good - scary good!"

Friday, October 29, 2010

Where My Ladies At?

(How I Became a [Female] Hockey Fan)!
Here's my hockey story:

Hockey has been a part of my entire life. Some of my earliest memories were sitting on our couch watching the Av's and throwing styrofoam blocks at the tv (aiming for the refs) when we didn't like the calls. Even though I didn't quite understand the game, I still loved it. My dad (and mom for two seasons) played in a rec hockey league and I would ALWAYS be at the games. I grew up in that place. To this day I go every Wednesday and I am always flooded with the memories.

Over the years I strayed from the game a little bit but whenever I was asked my favorite sport I never hestiated to say proudly, hockey. I was a fan but I wasn't what I would consider a "die hard" fan. I only watched the playoffs and the Stanley cup finals. That was it…until this year.

In September I was dealt a situation that I never thought I would ever go through. My father of whom I loved and had that special father daughter connection with had decided that he wasn't happy and was going to move out and leave my mother. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Crushed, devestated, and betrayed would be more fitting words. And it wasn't too long before that "special connection" we had was slipping away. The physical distance was driving a wedge between us. Out of pure desperation to salvage our relationship I reached out and latched onto the closest thing...which happened to be hockey. I started watching all the games and when that didn't seem like enough I started following stats, players, and other teams. It has become a boredline obsession.

Time has passed and although I am not happy with my situation there's two good things that have come out of it. The first being my newly found connection with my mother and the second being refinding my love for the greatest game on earth. Being only 17 means I have a lot of life ahead of me but for now I go from day to day and look forward to the hockey games on week nights because sometimes something that small can improve my week tenfold and make my crappy situation seem just that much brighter.

-Stevie Rae <3
THANKS for sharing such a personal story, Stevie Rae!!  Having such an emotional attachment, especially at such a young age, to something can allow us to get through the toughest of situations and it's importance can place a more positive spin on the experience.  I'm glad that hockey has done that for you, Stevie Rae and hope that your situation has gotten better (or has at least allowed you to learn that you can make it until better times are here!)!!

Don't forget, if you wish to submit your story, I kindly ask that you
email them directly to me so they don't end up being repetitive for some of the readers. Also, if you don't want me to include your name, please let me know that as well (what I'll normally do is put your first name and last initial if I have it OR just your screen name).


I also want to let you know I LOVE these stories (and so do alot of our readers) - I've always found it interesting no matter who the fan, so I'm enjoying ALL OF THIS IMMENSELY!! KEEP THEM COMING, but I ask that you
email them please - THANKS!!!

Also, I ask that you please BE PATIENT as I'm still receiving TONS of stories (they'll be posted in the order I received them, to be fair). If you sent in a story, it will eventually be on the blog - I promise!! ; ) JUST BE SURE TO KEEP THEM COMING (the more the better!)!! AS A NOTE, I'm currently on stories I received back in January 2010!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

MORE 2011 Winter Classic Uniform Pics

Here are a few more pictures from earlier today when Jordan Staal and Evgeni Malkin modeling the new 2011 Winter Classic jersey / uniforms.

PHOTO: 2011 Winter Classic Jersey

Geno and Staalsy modeling the new uniforms
(check out the striped socks!)
Penguins Winter Classic jerseys will be available for sale to the public the week of Nov. 15. They will be available at numerous retail outlets, including Dick’s Sporting Goods and the PensGear stores at CONSOL Energy Center.

The Penguins just unveiled their jersey for this season's Winter Classic!!  MORE PICS TO FOLLOW!!!

Penguins Unveil Winter Classic Jersey TODAY!!

Today after the Penguins workout / practice, the team will be unveiling their special, third 2011 Winter Classic jersey ...

It will be during a "jersey ceremony" at which the players will be wearing the jersey ... Penguins LIVE will be covering it and detailing it over the radio (around 1-1:15 PM).

CHECK BACK for details!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

LATE BREAKING HftL NEWS: Hartnell Shaves Head [for Charity!]

It turns out that Hartnell cut his hair for a more charitable reason ... he is donating it to "Locks of Love" and told FlyersTV that it was his first haircut in three years - WOW!

[sorry we're a little late with the news - the picture was taken (and Hartnell "debuted" his new 'do) on Saturday, October 23rd ... some things have come up over the past few weeks that have kept us from blog duties]

Well ... not a full-on shave, but compared to his mop prior to this, he really did some chopping and I have to say, it looks nice!!  Definitely a difference, huh?!!!

What do you ladies think (ECEC material?)???

We actually have to credit a friend's husband for bringing this to our attention (who shall remain nameless out of respect for him - LOL)!!! ; P

Crosby Pics of the Week

Let's get back into the swing of things with a few good pics of our own Captain Crosby!!  What a better way to celebrate the start of the hockey season (and the month of October) than with Sid's most recent promos for "Hockey Fights Cancer."  Very NICE!!

ENJOY!! : )

Here's lyrics to a song that is fitting for one of these posts (I'm not sure if you guys remember, but one other time I thought it was appropriate to include lyrics to "I Need a Hero" for one other Crosby Pic of the Week post and never had the chance to do it again because that song is just TOO FITTING - nothing else seems as fitting ... not sure this song is more or even just as fitting, but some days it does fit the bill - for ME!)!!! ; P

I was never the kind
To be taking my time
Any place that's worth a damn

And today's another day
That I've gone and thrown away
And I don't care where it lands
'Cause I'm just thinking about us

I've been living in a dream about you
And now I know you were all I ever wanted on my mind

And if I never see
My own reality
Well, I'm okay to leave it all behind

I'll be gone for a time
Tuning out for a while
It's gonna look like I'm not all there

I've decided that today
Seems alright to piss away
Ignore my empty stare
'Cause I'm just thinking about us

I've been living in a dream about you
And now I know you were all I ever wanted on my mind

And if I never see
My own reality
Well, I'm okay to leave it all behind

When I come down
And look around
I can't believe
The fantasy is gone like a memory
Out of my reach
Fading out from me
You're fading out from me

I've been living in a dream about you
And now I know you were all I ever wanted on my mind

And if I never see
My own reality
Well, I'm okay to leave it all behind

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Penguins Release Schedule for Third and Winter Classic Jerseys

Kris Letang and HC Bylsma
(Sam Kasan /
The team had practice at the Iceoplex today wearing their alternate blue [practice] uniforms.  They will also be unveiling the special jersey for the Winter Classic later this month.

The schedule for the third jersey and Winter Classic jersey:

Oct. 15 - NY ISLANDERS (Third)
Oct. 30 at Carolina (Third)
Nov. 17 - VANCOUVER (Third)
Nov. 27 - CALGARY (Third)
Dec. 6 - NEW JERSEY (Third)
Dec. 26 at Ottawa (Third)
Jan. 1 - WASHINGTON (Winter Classic)
Jan. 8 - MINNESOTA (Third)
Jan. 22 - CAROLINA (Third)
Feb. 10 - LOS ANGELES (Winter Classic)
Feb. 23 - SAN JOSE (Third)
March 12 - MONTREAL (Winter Classic)
March 27 - FLORIDA (Third)

Fleury with new "alternate" pads
(Sam Kasan /

In Memory: Taylor Vit (1987 - 2010)

by Maureen L.
It has already been reported that on Monday, October 11, University of Kentucky senior Taylor Vit passed away from injuries sustained in a car accident on Sunday October 10. Police report that Vit was not wearing his seat belt and was traveling alone. Many thoughts and prayers go out to Taylor’s family and friends, his teammates, and the entire UK community for this tragic loss.

Taylor Vit was a senior at UK, one of the team’s assistant captains, and a dynamic hockey player. A native of Villanova, PA (near Philadelphia), Taylor transferred to UK in his sophomore year. He was absolutely dynamic and a huge part of the UK team, leading the team in scoring. In his first year with the Wild Cats, he put up 51 points in 32 games (24G, 27A). He exploded last season, logging, 89 points in 33 games (39G, 50A). This season, he was off to a fantastic start with 18 points in the first 5 games (9G, 9A). The Wildcats are currently 7-0 on the season, a record they’ll hope to improve on this weekend when they play in the ACHA D2 Showcase in Youngstown, OH. They’ll be playing the tournament in memory of Taylor. The Wildcat’s general manager, Ian Ward described Vit as “an extremely good hockey player” as well as a bright student with a good sense of humor.
"He was the epitome of success in a young man. It's tragic, and the loss to the team is going to be as big as you can ever imagine."
Brian Shlonsky / Kentucky Kernel
On Thursday, October 7, Vit’s 7 goals helped lead the Wildcats to 17-2 victory over the Louisville Cardinals. On Saturday, October 9, the Wildcats hosted the Cincinnati Bearcats. In what would turn out to be Taylor’s final game, they beat the Bearcats, 12-8. Interviewed after the game, Vit spoke with pride about what he and his teammates had accomplished to start the season but was also focused forward on the upcoming tournament.
“You couldn’t ask for anything more than to be undefeated. Teams will try to play their best now knowing that we haven’t lost yet and the games will just get harder and harder. It will give us a chance to get better.
Asked about the upcoming tournament: “We get to play good teams that we don’t usually play. It’s a great opportunity to show we can play and to impress the rankings committee. We just have to be prepared to play on the road. We have to be ready to play just like we do back home. If we can play like we’re home, we can find ourselves with some quality road wins.”

As his teammates replaced their Facebook images with his jersey number (14) and resumed practice on Tuesday, they were joined with the UK hockey community in mourning the loss of one of their own. Teammate Danny Graham expressed just how tough it will be without him. He described Vit as the backbone of the team and leaving shoes that are impossible to fill. Vit wasn’t just a team favorite but a crowd favorite as well. Chris Martin owns the pro shop that overlooks the rink where the Wildcats practice and compete and spoke highly of the talented young athlete, remembering the last time Vit had come in to have his skates sharpened.
"Sitting on that couch right there, just sitting waiting on his skates. He was really quiet. He was a quiet guy, and he was kind of a gentle type of a person. Everybody here is going to miss him, even down to the parents and the guys at the concession stand will miss him," Martin said, "It's just going to take some time."
While working on this piece, I had the opportunity to speak with Char, a UK student and hockey fan who knew Taylor personally. She told me about meeting him at a party her freshman year and how he made her feel instantly welcome. She also told me a little about watching Taylor play:
“I loved to watch him play. The first thing I noticed about him was his fluidity. It sounds crazy, but he was so smooth on the ice. He had a quiet way about him, but once he was on that ice, he made you look. It wasn't hard to see that he was the heart of that team. Taylor was an amazing person. He was classy on and off the ice. And that’s a special kind of hockey player.”
Charles Bertram/
Obviously Taylor Vit’s importance as a friend, teammate, classmate, player, role model, and member of the UK Community cannot be diminished. He will be with his teammates through every game this season, win or lose. The Kentucky Kernel featured a piece by one of Taylor’s teammates, Patrick Sullivan, in which he wrote:
“Club hockey players only get five years of eligibility, but Taylor will be an active member of the team forever and I don’t think a single fan, player or official, will mind.”
No, we won’t mind. Taylor Vit will always be a part of University of Kentucky hockey. Number 14 will forever hold very special spot on the Wildcats roster.

You can read Patrick Sulivan’s entire column here:

I also want to extend special thanks to Char G. for sharing her personal experiences.


End The Night RIGHT (Sid's Goal and Celebration)

BECAUSE ITS HOT (you're welcome!)!!! ; )

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thoughts and Prayers to Vit Family and UK Hockey

S. Hannigan /
Please remember to keep the family of University of Kentucky hockey player, Taylor Vit, as well as the entire UK hockey team and community in your thoughts and prayers.  Vit passed away yesterday afternoon after being fatally injured in an automobile accident this past Sunday. 

May God bless all of you with peace and comfort during this difficult time.

Vit was one of two alternate captains on the college hockey team (the Wildcats / "Cool Cats"), #14 (there have been many sites already dedicated to his number including a Facebook page).

According to the American Chronicle:
An assistant captain of the University of Kentucky hockey team died Monday afternoon after a crash Sunday in which the sport utility vehicle he was driving rear-ended a LexTran bus.

Taylor Vit, 22, of Villanova, Pa., was pronounced dead at 3:32 p.m. at the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center, according to the Fayette County Coroner's Office.

He was driving a 2007 Nissan Xterra when he rear-ended the bus as it was pulling to a stop on Newtown Pike near Fourth Street just before 5 p.m. Sunday, police said.
THANK YOU also to HftL reader, Char G., for the following:
if you don't mind, could you ask the girls to pray for a University of Kentucky hockey player, #14, Taylor Vit. He was killed in a car accident on Sunday and although he wasn't drafted by any NHL team, he had such talent and heart that was remarkable in any hockey player (in fact he reminded me a lot of Sid :-) )

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Crosby Picture of the Week

This picture was sent to us by a loyal HftL follower - um, THANKS!!!  Yes ... thanks for the fact that I can't get anything done at work because GUESS WHAT MY NEW SCREENSAVER IS - lol!!! ; P

ENJOY, ladies (and I had to enlarge this as much as possible for obvious reasons ... and don't forget your tickets to the gun show - LOL!)!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Meeting Matt Cullen (Minnesota Wild)

THANKS again for sharing another of your 'Wild' experiences with us, Karson!! ; )
Last weekend (September 12th) I went to the Mall of America for a little shopping for my best friends birthday. Right when we walked in I the Best Buy Rotunda was decorated with Minnesota Wild stuff.. so we went to check it out. Turns out Matt Cullen (number 7, a forward) of the Minnesota Wild was there signing autographs! He was so nice, and it was really cool to meet him. Left wing Eric Nystrom was also there signing autographs, but we left before he got there.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Crosby Pictures of the Week

Of course this week's pics come straight from this year's training camp since Maureen and I were there this past Sunday!!  Just when I think I can't love Sid any more ...

ENJOY, ladies!! ; D