
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just So You Know ... I'm NOT Avoiding ...

Yes, the poll ended a few days ago and, NO, I'm not avoiding the outcome! ; P

I just haven't had time to post let alone deal with the outcome of the poll and, as you can see, the outcome has decided that I change the title graphic for the blog!!

THANKS to everyone who voted!!  I had a pretty good turnout and enough of you to vote to realize that the majority of you DO want the graphic to be updated and I HEAR YOU!!! ; )

It may not happen right away, but I will be working on a new one and it will be changed as soon as I have time to work on one!!

THANKS again for such a great response and letting your choice be known ... I am happy to share this blog with you and this is just another way I'm able to do that!!

So STAY TUNED for a new blog title graphic for HftL ... SOON!!!


  1. no worries...four of the five can stay you just need to add on (Neals....maybe?):-) And I wouldn't mind seeing Tanger up there everyday! I'm sure whatever you do it will be great

  2. LOL ... a maybe for Nealy (I think you can be pretty confident with that knowing ME) ... I've got several requests for Tanger and a few of the Blackhawk hotties like Kaner and Toews ... got ALOT of great suggestions (I'm just

    THANKS for the vote of confidence ... you know I will try my hardest to include all the hotness I can fit into one graphic!! ; P
