
Sunday, August 21, 2011

NEW HftL tumblr Page Focused on NHL Wedding Pictures / Links!

I've spent most of this weekend working on hockey player weddings and finding LOTS of great pictures and links which is how I came up with this latest idea.

There have just been so many beautiful wedding pictures of NHL players and their lovely brides / wives that I just wanted to share them with all of you (it was too emense of a project and I see it growing even bigger than just ONE, SINGLE post), so tumblr seemed to be the perfect solution!!

I haven't posted anything much yet (just an introductory post explaining pretty much the same thing I am now), so don't be disappointed if you visit these next couple of days - you're not missing much right now, but be sure to keeping checking it for tons of NHL wedding treasures!!!
I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I've been having fun finding the stuff and creating it!!

ENJOY, ladies!!!

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