
Friday, August 26, 2011

Where My Ladies At?

(How I Became a [Female] Hockey Fan)!
I've always been a Daddy's Girl. I can't remember how old I was when I started watching hockey with my Dad. Some of my earliest memories with my Dad are times we sat and watched the Kings. I even remember getting my Dad a poster of Wayne Gretzky for Father's Day for his Birthday one year. I'm pretty sure it said "The Great One" and had Gretzky standing next to a bunch of pucks or something. Then my little brother came along and turned out to be a pretty awesome goalie. Hockey became a thing my whole family could enjoy together. We would go to games and even got to meet a few of the Kings players once. A lot of my guy friends have given me a hard time in the past about being a fan of a losing team etc. but I could never stop. Not only have I grown to really love the team and the sport all on my own (I spent my 21st birthday at a Kings game and they won in the most exciting shoot out I've ever got to see!!), it will always ALWAYS remind me of the time spent with my Dad. I'm 24 now and while I know that's not old I'm still a Daddy's Girl and would never ever trade any time spent with my Dad for anything in the world. I love hockey for a million reasons but one of the top reasons is for being a part of the amazing relationship I get to have with my Dad. (The rest of my family too!)

P.S. The hot guys helped me get interested a lot when I was in high school. My boyfriend now is a little jealous that I'd drop him in a second for Drew Doughty but he'll just have to live with that! :)
I think I've said it before, but I enjoy the stories that involve father-daughter relationships and how hockey played a role in helping them grow closer - it's a very special thing.  THANKS, Meg, for sharing that with us!!

Don't forget, if you wish to submit your story, I kindly ask that you
email them directly to me so they don't end up being repetitive for some of the readers. Also, if you don't want me to include your name, please let me know that as well (what I'll normally do is put your first name and last initial if I have it OR just your screen name).


I also want to let you know I LOVE these stories (and so do alot of our readers) - I've always found it interesting no matter who the fan, so I'm enjoying ALL OF THIS IMMENSELY!! KEEP THEM COMING, but I ask that you
email them please - THANKS!!!

Also, I ask that you please BE PATIENT as I'm still receiving TONS of stories (they'll be posted in the order I received them, to be fair). If you sent in a story, it will eventually be on the blog - I promise!! ; ) JUST BE SURE TO KEEP THEM COMING (the more the better!)!! AS A NOTE, I'm currently on stories I received back in March 2010!!!

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