
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Dempster's Video and A Chance for [Canadian Residents] to Meet Crosby

This commercial began airing in Canada last Friday, November 11th. Along with thr new ad campaign, Dempster's is sponsoring several online and in-store promotions (for Canadian residents only) for a chance to win several prizes - the best of which is a chance to meet Sidney Crosby.
As part of this new campaign, Dempster's is hosting in-store and online promotions that give Canadians a chance to meet Sidney Crosby, and win signed sweaters and merchandise (including a clothes dryer) through an in-store and online promotion. Consumers can compete in an online game to see how many pucks they can get into a clothes dryer. This is a fun take on the story from Crosby's youth where he perfected his shot in his parents' basement, while occasionally hitting their dryer.

In conjunction with the new campaign launch, Dempster's is making a $25,000 donation to the Sidney Crosby Foundation, which supports children's charities throughout Canada, including in Sidney's home province of Nova Scotia.
To read the entire press release, CLICK HERE. To enter for a chance to win some great prizes (if your a resident of Canada), visit Dempster's Facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. OMG....what part of this isn't sexy as hell....from the eyes in the rearview to the workout ...let's not even talk about the sandwich! ;-)
