
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Now You Can Watch Crosby's "Hat Tip" Anytime You Want!!

Remember THIS?  It's one of the sexiest things I've ever seen in my life - my REASON #80 to LOVE Sid (IDK why, but it just makes my knees weak and it has since the very first time I saw it!)!!!

Well, now I [or the rest of you ladies] can watch it (and RE-watch it) anytime I [we] like!

For those of you who don't know (and didn't pre-order it), HBO's 24 / 7 - Penguins/Capitals: Road to the NHL Winter Classic is now out and ready to ship!!  If you still have to order yours, you can do so on the HBO internet store and KEEP IN MIND to look on the internet for promotional codes.  I used one when I pre-ordered mine and it was enough to cover the cost of S&H which was a pretty good deal!!

I got it in the mail yesterday (and it was a nice surprise) ... I already opened it and watched the first three episodes (and, yes, the "hat tip!")!!  The disappointing part is that there isn't anything additional on the disc (no extra footage, no deleted scenes - nothing), so for those of you who look forward to that kind of thing especially with this - you'll be just as disappointed as I was!

Although seeing the "hat tip" whenever I want more than makes up for all of that!! ; D


  1. got mine today and yeah, disappointed that there aren't any bloopers or extras, but any locker room footage is fine by me. sexy Sid with the hat tip and look at Kunitz YUM-O!!!!

  2. I want this soooo bad but can I get a region 4 disc? no point buying one if I can't play it on my DVD player.

  3. mine is still to come....does it include the preview show that HBO had ....or should I burn a DVD of the one I have saved? I love this routine in the pregame locker room....

  4. everybody be sure to check out "in the room" on the pens website....looks to be great insiders look....and honestly am I the only person willing to admit that it is hard not to get lost in watching the suits....something VERY sexy about players in their suits

  5. you're not the only one willing to admit it stoney...I have a thing for hockey players whether they're in their gear, suits, t-shirt and shorts...hell I get lost when I see them in their track suits (ie..Sidney when he took first skate on ice at Consol with Mario)...Me thinks I need a professional hockey player in my life :P

  6. I asked Santa for this DVD for Christmas. Hopefully he doesn't forget! And I agree - Love, Love, Loved the hat tip!!

  7. Woohoo! fixed my DVD player so that it now plays any region and I will be ordering 24/7 for xmas :)))
