
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Did You See This Pic?

That's how the conversation started, innocently enough ... Kena (YES - THAT Kena ... remember her?  The previous WCH writer???!!!!).  Anyway, Kena texted me this pic and simply asked, "did you see this pic?"

Well, have any of YOU seen this pic??  Let's see how many of you react like I did and how many react like Kena did ...


James Neal (I think - LOL!) welcoming newest Penguins defenseman, Douglas Murray


Stephanie: "No ... LOL!!"
Kena: "Sweet, huh."
S: If you're referring to Nealy's ass ... YES, SWEET!!!  Sweet Jesus!!
K: Ha ha.  You recognize him from just his ass?  I'm impressed!  Ha ha ha ha ... Poor Sid ...

... CONVERSATION continues ...

K: Although, I have now been made aware of Neal's ass, I will be pre-occupied for a while.  Lol
S: HAH!!

So, ladies, what caught YOUR eye in that pic??  Responses are welcome in the comments ... we'd love to hear from you!!!  You just GOTTA LOVE Under Armor!!! : D


  1. oh sweet jesus lol i love neal and his firm ass lol! BUT I LOVE THIS BLOG!

  2. I think this ass... Er... Subject requires a bit more research....

  3. LOL, Lauren ... you always make me LAUGH!!! So can I count you in on your having the same reaction I did or did it take you a minute to actually SEE IT??? lol

    THANK YOU for loving the blog ... I love writing on it, but I'm just SO BUSY with too many other things that its very hard to keep up with this ... this was an exception though (and if I would've been near a computer that day you sent me the Sid pic ... that would've made it on here too!)!!!

    THANKS for commenting!!! :)

  4. I can always count on Kena for "RESEARCH!" LOL!!

  5. I think Mr. Douglas Murray will be a welcome and needed addition to the Pens!

  6. Oh th shoulders for sure! LOL

  7. Re: hmmm...wonder who this ass belongs to?
    You know that was my subject line when I emailed it to you

  8. AWWWWW!!! I am gonna miss Murray!!!! He is a great player!!!

  9. hhhahaa no i think i have the same reaction you did. I WAS LIKE OH MY GOD NEAL AND HIS ASS AGAIN. but seriously hahahahaha you have to keep this up bc dear god i need this blog :D hahaha omfg you gotta make a post about FLEUR AND THE BABY WHEN VERO HAS THE BABY!
