
Friday, December 26, 2008

HAPPY HOLIDAYS from the Pens!!

Even though I'm a day or so late posting this, it is SO WORTH watching ANYTIME!!  How adorable are our boys, ladies?!! And Geno - OMG!!!  Adorable doesn't even describe it!!  He seems to have found the "H" that Fleury was missing in his "Appy" Thanksgiving greeting last time (although Fleury does seem to be concentrating on the "H" this time around)!!! 

Oh - and for those of you who enjoy cutting on Mark Eaton, I DARE YOU to find something horrible to say about him after watching his holiday wish to the fans (how cute is that?!)!!!

ENJOY (my gift to you, ladies - MERRY CHRISTMAS)!!!


  1. OK, Eaton has never done it for me, but that is just ADORABLE!!!!! (did you see her tongue (precious!!!).

    Goligoski & Kennedy are hysterically adorable. (Kennedy looks like he's got a rock in his drawers [hysterical laughter].)

    I loved that it was awesome.

  2. I agree that TK is just so adorable but they all are, I loved watching the little vid.

    So glad you had a good christmas and that santa was good to you and of course that you feel better.

  3. oh man. Geno=crazy adorable. Mark Eaton and his daughters=precious! MAF and his accent= :]

  4. I've been wracking my brain trying to figure this out, so I figured I'd put the call out to all of you. In the video, Fedotenko has two boys with him. At first glance, I assumed they were his sons, however, upon further research, I realized that Feds was born in 1979, making him only 29 years old (the same age as Ryan Malone, whose child is a baby). The boys look to be between 12 and 16 years old, so they're too old to be his sons, but if they were his brothers, that'd also be a big age difference. So here's my question - who are the mystery boys with Fedotenko?

  5. Lauren, I believe Tenk's wife was married before and those are her sons from a previous marriage. I think I read it before but I'm not sure where (they do look similar to his wife).

  6. Eaton's kids are adorable (and Eaton had a sweet kick save tonight)!!

    And Fleury is just the cutest thing ever! I was watching his interview after the game and I love his laugh!(I'm a sucker for French Canadian accents...)

  7. hahahahahhaha malkin makes me CRACK up. he's so adorable!
    he's getting better at english though!
    and eatons kids are adorable too.
    bahh i can't pick a favorite. i love them all! <3

  8. this might clear some stuff up. RE: lauren/steph:

  9. it says his wife debbie, so i'm assuming they're his stepkids

  10. aww. this was so cute. eaton and his daughters are so cute!!! its so adorable!!! we are so lucky to have great players here in pittsburgh that will take their time out and do this for their fans.

    and eaton what a great kick save tonight. u saved us the game

  11. of all people where is jordan????

    does he not have christmas i dont think he even went to the hospital when gill set that up to give presents to the kids. what a party pooper..haha..but i still love that sexy god like body of his and that jaw (the jaw of an angel)..haha ok im done ranting about jordan

    hope you had a great christmas and have a happy new year!

  12. Thanks for clearing that up, ladies! I knew as soon as I put the call out, someone would have an answer! :)

  13. Ha, I came back and read these today.

    Uh, way to go Tenks wife!!!! That is what I call "successful prospecting".

    And I'm so embarrassed... I of all persons in this universe, should have noticed that Staal was missing from this. [I'm stunned at myself].

  14. haha i had to watch it like 2 times making sure he didnt slip in there somewhere but nope he wasnt here. but he is playing in his 200th regular season game tonight!!!

  15. I know this post is like a billion years old but omg max's "grandma-made-it-for-me" bear sweater? awesome.
