
Friday, December 26, 2008

Thanks - SO MUCH!!

I just wanted to take the time to thank all of you who e-mailed or posted "get well wishes" to me! You just do not know how much I apprecite your thoughtfulness and just how greatful I am for such wonderful readers!!

I am feeling SO MUCH better, so hopefully I'll have this place up and running like "normal" soon!!

And another BIG THANK YOU goes to Kena because, without her, there wouldn't have been much of a blog these last few days while I was sick (all of the posts were hers)!! She's been such a great friend to me since I met her and just another wonderful blessing that has come out of my working on this blog!  Thanks always to you, Kena!

THANKS also for all of your holiday greetings!  I'm hoping all of you had a better day than I did although mine wasn't all that bad -- Santa did bring me what I asked for -- a new camera (with which I hope to take TONS more awesome pics at the games I go to -- so you guys benefit too)!!

Well, Merry Christmas and THANKS again!!  I just love you ladies - without you, there is no true value in this blog!!

PS - there's a little something I posted below that Santa left under my tree for all of you!!

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