
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mr. January: Brooks Orpik (Rockin' that Hair!!)

Am I the only one who thinks this picture is amusing??  DON'T GET ME WRONG, I LOVE me some Brooks Orpik (especially his toughness and leadership on the ice), but this just seems to be so unlike the player we've come to "know" (you know, the guy on the ice).

It also seems to me that he's been becoming "soft around the edges" over the past few years (like the woman in his life is good for / to him) which is really a great thing ... every tough man needs that good woman behind him to keep him in touch with that soft side and balance him out (one of the many sexy things about men in general)!

This picture is (I'm assuming) from the day they took video of the guys for their pre-game, gametime, etc., shots and this one doesn't come close to amusing me as much as the video of him does because ... IDK ... I usually lean over to my husband to add the following commentary (like I'm Brooks speaking during the shoot) because it's always what comes to mind and makes me laugh everytime:

"I'm Brooks Orpik and I friggin' rock this hair.  See the curls, I like them - that's right! Don't laugh or I'll kick your ass ... I'm friggin' BROOKS ORPIK!!"
Now, when you attend the next game, please feel free to use that statement or have it come to mind while you watch Brooks during the pre-game video!! ENJOY!

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