Sunday, November 22, 2009

CONGRATULATIONS to Colby and Melissa Armstrong!!

An HftL reader gave me a "tip" about this a week or so ago, but I didn't want to post anything until I had sound information.

During last night's game, Dan Potash confirmed that Colby and Melissa are expecting their first child - due sometime in June.

CONGRATUALTIONS to Colby and Melissa!!


Staal1187Crosby said...

I heard that announced last night. They didn't waste much time, did they? :-) Congratulations!!

Unknown said...

this is adorable!!!

EHisCDN said...

aww congrats to them! and yea they sure didn't! lol

Anonymous said...

she wrote about the pregnancy like four days ago on her twitter

i foudn out there


Maureen said...

Awwwwww...... Congrats to them!

Anonymous said...

yayyy congrats colby!
i bet he'll make a great daddy!
and that picture is adorable!
@mariabprice: what's her twitter name?

Trish said...

Omg!! Congrats!!
I think he'll be an amazing dad!

Jane said...

I was so excited when I heard it during the game - and the Pens feed no less lol.
That pic is super cute btw!!!
= D

Congrats Colby & Mel !!!!!

Katie said...

Yea I follow her on twitter and I saw the signs a while ago when she talked about having a very sensitive nose...usually that's a big sign of pregnancy and then she tweeted about it before it was announced. They'll be great parents. She's a wonderful woman and she'll look adorable with the baby belly.

PK_37 said...

Congrats! They'll be great parents.

Unknown said...

Happy 27th Birthday Colby!! You'll make a great Dad!!