From time-to-time, HftL wonders whether or not we're doing a good enough job and if there's anything our readers would like to see more / less of (or if there's something we're missing altogether keeping in mind that our area of expertise is the NHL).
If you haven't noticed, there's a new poll posted on the sidebar to the left asking what you want to see more of on the blog. The first two (and last one) are pretty self-explanatory; however, the choices for "variety" and "other" are choices that would need to be elaborated on, so if this is one of your choices, we ask that you send us an email (at -- or leave a comment ; ) -- to explain your choice and why (making "HftL Poll" the subject).
We're not promising that we'll implement your idea(s), but we'll definitely take them into consideration (again, we know the NHL, so we'd like to stick with that as the main focus of the blog; however, that's not to say we wouldn't have a special post focusing on "subjects" outside the realm now and again). This poll is just a way of seeing whether or not HftL is on the right track with what our readers want on / enjoy about the blog.
THANKS, ladies (let us know what's on your mind)!!

More Kris Letang is always acceptable :)
I second that motion. Ever since seeing him in DC, I am SMIII-TTEN!
i triple the motion
tangers is such a cutie!
well, i guess more of all of the players, and not just the cuties :)
i don't necessarily know what, just some fun random stuff is always cool.
Colby Armstrong-oh, yes!
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