There's been a really great response to the league this year and I definitely have enough for at least two.
This post serves as a "call-out" to those who played with the HftL league last year. I believe I sent you messages directly through Yahoo! giving you the option to re-sign; however, I accidentally deleted the league and had to create another one, so ...
If any of you have been trying to sign back up through that email, but getting an error, please send an email directly to, and I'll resend you an invite. I only had word from one person about this issue, so I thought I'd better let the rest of you know just in case there are more second-timers that still want to join but have been having problems trying to rejoin.
Otherwise, things are going great with sign-ups and we'll have at least two leagues this year for sure. If any of you have questions or concerns, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME!!
Steel City on Ice / FanAttic is NOW ...
*Rant Sports (*
*Again, I'm asking all my TSCSF / SCoI followers*
*to make another / final switch WITH ME ...*
*the blog has moved...
13 years ago
I find fantasy game very exciting and challenging. But there's nothing like watching LA Kings in an actual basis..That's why I always buy my Los Angeles Kings Tickets
Can I be on the hockey pool too?
@glassedpickles -- you can definitely join the fantasy hockey league, but send me an email so I can have your address in order to send you an invite ... THANKS!!! :)
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