I'm still getting interest for this year's FHL. I actually had to start a third league, so I wanted to give you another update just so I can tie up a few loose ends with it. There's still time AND openings ...
I still have invitations pending out there for those of you who told me you were interested, but still haven't joined. I also discovered that there may be a problem with the Yahoo! invites and some of you may not have gotten them, if thats your particluar case, PLEASE BE SURE TO EMAIL ME. If you've encountered any problems at all with anything (not receiving an invite after you asked me to join, not being able to complete the process to join due to any number of errors, or even if you're not sure whether or not I got your initial request or if you just want to check to make sure everything is set for when the season begins) PLEASE EMAIL ME and I will make sure to work things out for you or confirm that things with your team are all set!!
With that being said, if any of you are still interested but haven't had a chance to email me, there are a few more openings still left!! In fact, if those who I sent invites to and haven't acted on them yet don't end up having a team then we will definitely NEED teams (one league has been finalized, the other one needs ONLY ONE MORE TEAM and the third league I recently created has room for AT LEAST 5 more)!
AND I will be closing things out this coming Friday, September 23rd and I will have to finalize all three leagues within that day or the next, so you have until then to decide but after that, I have to make the leagues / teams final (and I'm hoping that we have enough / an even amount of teams for the two remaining leagues). If you guys could help me out with that whether you need to contact me to get things fixed or you just decided to create a team, PLEASE EMAIL ME and we'll get things all set.
Remember, if any of you have questions or concerns, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME!! ; )
Steel City on Ice / FanAttic is NOW ...
*Rant Sports (RantSports.com)*
*Again, I'm asking all my TSCSF / SCoI followers*
*to make another / final switch WITH ME ...*
*the blog has moved...
13 years ago
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