This was taken this morning ... LOOK AT THAT SMILE (I MISS that smile!)!! It's good to see it on his face again!
And just because I thought these were delicious ...
(I'm throwing in a BONUS of BJ ... back on the ice this morning!)
Check out those socks!!

And one more thing ...
(a hint of what's to come here on HftL
because I'm falling madly in LOVE with him - a CLOSE 2nd to Sid!)
"Him" being Nealy!!
what? they told me white socks were out the fashion!
I know ... I think it's sort of a secret ; P
I love neal also saw him at practice on saturday he is yummy. niskaden too wow he sure is pretty. love sids smile makes my day
Neals? You're liking Neals???? I wouldn't have guessed! :-)
Might he be getting a "day" of his own posting soon?
Neal IS yummy!! And if his shirt sales are any indication, I'm thinking ALOT of ladies (and men) may have the same feeling about him ; ) Only ONE left on the shelves yesterday WAITING JUST FOR ME!!! : )
You're a comedian, stoneyblue - LOL - he could possibly have a day all to his own, but I'm not giving it away - LOL ; P
It's good to know my favorite Neal-er is appreciated. It broke my heart when we traded him to the Penguins but I now have a new team to root for. Dallas will always be my number 1 but Pittsburgh isn't far behind. :]
@laura ... I'm glad knowing "Neal-er" is appreciated helps you feel a little better! He is DEF appreciated here in Pittsburgh ... he's an AWESOME player and a CUTIE (I was ecstatic when we got him, but to see how great he plays and knowing he'll be playing alongside Crosby and / or Malkin ... SWEET!)!! It's awesome that the Pens have become a close second ... WELCOME!!! ; ) You definitely found a place you can find Nealy when you're missing him!! : )
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