If you haven't already noticed by now, there are new links on the page (towards the top, underneath the blog title graphic).
I've been working on a few new ideas and just recently had time to finish these two pages:
Hockey Babies and
Hockey Weddings. They're listings of all the player babies and weddings we've featured here along the way (in alphabetical order by player's last name).

OF COURSE these will continually be a "work in progress" as we learn about engagements and pregnancies and it wouldn't be near as complete without YOUR HELP since there's no way I can know / find all the information there is out there, so if you see something missing
please feel free to email me at thesteelcitysportsfan@gmail.com so I can add it to the list(s)
(but I do ask that you include a link to a legitimate source and / or pictures as I also try very hard not to spread rumors / gossip with the blog).
I really believe that these are great additions to the blog since I've made it a point to learn and provide the more "human side" of hockey players (without getting TOO personal) and what better way to record all the information up to this point than with special pages that will actually link you to each blog post?!!
The bottom image of a dad and newborn son was photographed by Ingrid Misner Artistic Impressions in Winnipeg Manitoba and was stolen from the aiphotography.com website
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