I really don't think I have to preface this with much, but Deanna posted a link in the "comments" which revealed the most BEAUTIFUL pics of Lidstrom from the Swedish magazine, Café. CLICK HERE to read the article courtesy of "Google Translate." Um ... thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Deanna!!! ; )
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YOWZA, mommy!! (wait ... I can't see ...) LOL!! |
; )
THE FIRST "REWIND" IS DETROIT'S NIKLAS LIDSTROM(original post date - October 29, 2008; written by Kena L. with a few comments of my own thrown in)

Before submitting myself to all of your conjectures, let me reiterate that I am not a Red Wings fan. That being said, I can't help but notice hot guys where ever I find them and now that I've admitted to that, lets get on to the good stuff, shall we? Great.
Here we have Niklas Lidstrom. I think he's the first defenseman we've scrutinized in this series (of articles) so far. Which is kind of strange, considering the fact that one of my favorite things about hockey is watching good defense. Oh well, onward...
IMPORTANT HOCKEY STUFF: It's hard to prove your mettle as a defenseman with numbers, but Nicklas Lidstrom has won pretty much every single honor of distinction available to someone who's specialty is defense. Starting with those 5 (I might be one off in either direction) Norris Trophies, Olympic Gold Medal, several World Championships, etc. He's the only European to ever win the Conn Smythe Trophy. He has 10 appearances in the All-Star game. His coach says that “he's the most professional person (in fact, he's so professional he rarely gets any penalty minutes which is unusual for a player who has caught my eye), I've ever seen,” and “he just doesn't make any mistakes.” When I get to watch, I always see him setting down there, just waiting like a cat to pounce on some unsuspecting forward. Yes, he's that good.
Here we have Niklas Lidstrom. I think he's the first defenseman we've scrutinized in this series (of articles) so far. Which is kind of strange, considering the fact that one of my favorite things about hockey is watching good defense. Oh well, onward...

I can't imagine what it would be like challenging him on the blue line. Enough can not be said about his leadership capabilities. He leads by example. Nothing ever flusters him (although, again I'd like to try, [sly grin]).
[there's really no denying that Lidstrom is sexy - an attractive older man - distinguished (look at the bottom pictures). Kena will laugh at me for this!]

As a Pens fan as well as a Canuck fan, the Wangs are pretty low on my list of teams. However, Nicky is probably at the top of my list of currently playing hockey husbands. He's just so lovely and such a great guy.
I love the Hottie articles, btw. :)
As a Pens "HOMER" fan, the Wangs are definitely towards the bottom of my list and I've been accused of not showing them enough love on the blog, but I agree ... Lidstrom is definitely a hottie ("seasoned" hottie - just thought of it and I LIKE IT!)!!!
the "Hottie articles" were pretty much a constant here when I had help, but now it's just me and it can sometimes get overwhelming especially with 2+ blogs!!! But I manage ; )
THANKS for commenting and I'm glad you enjoy the articles! :)
Here's some nice new pictures of Lids :)
FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY, @Deanna - those are pretty nice ... I may even have to make an "UPDATE" to today's re-post!!!
THANK YOU!!!!! ; D
If you need help with the Hotties, I could probably help out. I love looking for photo goodies online. Just let me know, my email is in my profile. :)
Glad you liked the pics! A 40+ year old should not look that good... but I'm not complaining ;)
@TheNWChica - THANK YOU for the offer ... I may take you up on it sometime!! ;)
@Deanna -- actually ALL 40 y/o men should look that good and I'm not complaining either!!! ;)
Not a Wings fan either, but Nicky has always been a favorite for the way he plays the game but seeing this magazine cover.....my first reaction was Holy S#@%!
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