Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another Staal Down (Only Two to GO, Ladies!) - Marc is Hitched!!

[THANKS go to Melissa A. for the "tip" on this one!!] This past weekend, Marc Staal and his longtime girlfriend, Lindsay, got married back in Thunder Bay.  I didn't miss this one ... I was waiting on pics!!  I think it was worth it!!



I DON'T say this to be rude, but do I see a "baby-bump" on Tanya??
That was the first thought in my head when I saw this pic!
Such a CUTE family!!


HockeyChick19 said...

FINALLY!!!! I have been dieing to see pictures. And I thought the exact same thing about Tanya when I saw the picture of her, Heather, and Jared girlfriend. Im glad Im not alone

Stephanie said...

I didn't want to be rude about it, but it's very slight (it could also be the way the dress lays on her), but IDK ...

I'm glad you got to see pics (I was dying myself ... couldn't find them anywhere and then it was like flood-gates!)!! VERY PRETTY dress - looks like a great wedding (she was a beautiful bride!)!!

Lindsay said...

Adorable! Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Staal. Also, I want to adopt Eric and Tanya's son. Even if he's not available. Srsly the cutest kid EVER!

Stephanie said...

Their little boy is pretty CUTE!! He got so big (time FLIES!)!! : )

AussieGal said...

she looks preggers to me!

Jane said...

Congrats to them!!! Great pics!! :)

Anonymous said...

Awww Congrats to the both of them :)

and Tanya is pregnent. she is due in December. The Canes PR guy tweeted about it earlier this week :)

Stephanie said...

THANKS Jane and Nikki!!! Nikki ... thanks for confirming Tanya's pregnancy -- I need to get busy now ; D


Anonymous said...

your very welcome. :) i have been wondering the same thing for a while then i seen that on twitter.

Stephanie said...

It was a GREAT FIND, Nikki!! I think I may follow too many people on there and miss alot of stuff!!

THANKS again!!! ; )

Anonymous said...

haha ur welcome! :)

thts the same way here and i seen someone posted that somewhere so i had to look and i realized i missed it. lol