THANKS to HftL reader, Melany, I now have pictures of the remaining months of the calendar (YOWZA!!!!) and will be posting them here ASAP, so check back!!!! : ) OH, and THANKS to my best buddy, Kena, who actually found the calendar pic of Staal (surprise, surprise!) and was the one to allow me to "break this case wide open!" - HAH!! : P
I have a bone to pick with some of you!!! I know that at least a few of you went to the game last Friday, October 23rd, so why weren't any of you kind enough to let me know about this HOT team calendar that they gave away at the game (WITH A FEW PICS?)??!!!
My luck is CRAP!!! I go to last year's game with the calendar promotion and it was, "eh," so I decided not to go to this year's promotional calendar giveaway game and LOOK WHAT HAPPENS!!!! And on top of it, none of my ladies shared any of this with me!! : (
You KNOW I love you all, but throw me a bone here!!! : P I try to provide the BEST eye candy info / pics out there, so when I miss something, would you please think of me next time??!!!! LMAO!!!
With that said, those of you that were lucky enough to get your little hands on these calendars got yourself quite a hot commodity!! Not even "my own personal Penguins merchandise supplier" has them, so I had to resort to paying $20 A PIECE for two on eBay (MERRY CHRISTMAS, Kena!) - yes, I KNOW - but isn't it SO worth it???! I mean, LOOK AT ALL OF THEM IN IT!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and do me a favor, if you find / buy one for less, PLEASE don't tell me!! ; P
And for those of you who are in my situation, here are the few pics I have -- ENJOY!!! [oh, and just an observation of mine - seeing the big difference between last year's calendar and this year's, I would definitely say that the Penguins organization are taking advantage of the good looking players they own and marketing them to the female persuasion, wouldn't you say?!!]!!
(aka "Cookey")
(aka Talbot)
(aka Geno)
(aka Sid)
(aka Staalsy / Jord-o / Jordy)
(aka Sid)
(aka Staalsy / Jord-o / Jordy)
Another winner of a cardigan from Talbot!
must... buy... calendar....
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
yes. I was there. yes, i do posess the calender. But in my defense, my camera (which I had fully charged the night before) DIED during warm ups. But then again, I do have a scanner.
I love you stephanie, can you find it in you to forgive me? :-)
@Char (and all my HftL readers) - I could never hold anything against you guys - I enjoy you too much and appreciate all of you (without you, this blog wouldn't be half as much fun!)!! I was teasing, but LOVE and ALWAYS appreciate when you guys share (so I can pass it on too).
Just wanted to make that clear to everyone - in case you didn't get my sense of humor!! : P
Just for everyone's information.
I was looking for M&Ms when I found that picture.
I may be really messed up next year, because it may very well be September, all 365 days.
@Stephanie Have you noticed that they hall have that deer in the headlights expression!? its kind of funny, but does not detract from their hotness one bit!
@Kena I KNOW! love that pic of him. But i will posess self control and have the calender up on its proper month. Cause otherwise, I'd never know what was going on in my life!
@ Char
I'm really not sure I possess that much self control. You can ask Stephanie, how nonsensical I was after seeing that pic.
You may very well, be the "bigger woman".
And Kunitz is quite luscious as well!!!
My favorite is Brooks in November!!! I love it!
Thanks for sharing the hotness!
Ok... I need 12 copies of this calendar... I'll feel bad if I turn any of the pages lol
best part? These were my FREE penguin tickets (from the student rush thing last year where they screwed up) so basically i paid 30 dollars for gas from kentucky for two C level tickets and two calenders. Win? i think yes
Woot, I got a mention! YES!
I love this calendar... and I stare at it entirely too much!
Glad I could help out!
Oh, and tomorrow night, hopin to be on TV! Got my awesome sign, totally unique... well, I hope so anyway! LOL
This Mr. September makes me very proud and happy to also be a September baby. :-) Very nice birthday present for the whole month.
Steph - I sent you an email.
Gosh, they're a little too.. clothed in the calendar pics! Let's get a version where they're wearing a little less, and then we'd be in business! ;)
do you by any chance know which player is for March? I'm crossing my fingers for Letang!:)
@Bandit'sgirl - March is Feds (Fedotenko), but still he's looking FINE!!! Not bad!
I'm going to get up another post with all of the pics sometime soon (two of the ladies were nice enough to send the rest of them to me), so check back!!!
I'LL TAKE ONE!!! Except,I just want the August part,and my sister will have January.
Great sweater there Maxie! Does anyone know where I can find the rest of the months, particularly the month with Orpik? Any help would be awesome!
whats letang?
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