Tuesday, October 13, 2009


(these playlists also appear on the right hand side of this blog)!!

[he's a BIG Pearl Jam fan!]!!

  • Hail, Hail -- Pearl Jam
  • Corduroy -- Pearl Jam
  • Glorified G -- Pearl Jam
  • Given to Fly -- Pearl Jam
  • Life Wasted -- Pearl Jam
  • In Hiding -- Pearl Jam
  • The Fixer -- Pearl Jam (NEW release; 09/2009)
  • State of Love and Trust -- Pearl Jam
  • Spin the Black Circle -- Pearl Jam
  • Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town -- Pearl Jam

What I'm hoping to do eventually is find a widget that I can just load the songs of each player on my blog, so check back soon (I remember seeing / using one before, it's just a matter of finding it again!)!!

I compiled these lists by listening to the "Penguins Playlists" on Penguins HD2 radio station.


Shana said...

Looks like I won't be listening to music with anyone but Brooks so far...ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Jeez Brooksie change it up some bud, you and Billy, too.

My security word is dishepoe.

Stephanie said...

@Holyroller17 - I couldn't agree more (LOVE Bruce and Pearl Jam, but let's be a little more exciting!)!! ; P