This week's photo is a little "dated" and courtesy of Macleans magazine (summer 2008) who "asked dozens of rich and famous Canadians to tell us what they did on their summer vacation."
This was the featured photo along with this caption: "During the summer I enjoy spending time on the water. I find fishing both a challenge and a nice way to relax."
I don't know about you, but I think that's a really good look for him!!! I really like seeing him in this type of relaxed atmosphere (and he has his cap on backwards - that always gets my heart racing!!)!!
He's wearing a hat?? I was too busy looking at his legs ;)
Hat? Like Sunshine, I was looking at his legs along with those arms and chest...
@Sunshine36616 & @mtfree - I'm just a sucker for a backwards baseball cap on a guy -- always have been, but I didn't overlook any of the other appealing attributes, BELIEVE ME!!! ; )
awe, sid (:
i love the backwards hat look on him .
I have to say that all these comments are right on - those legs, those arms, that chest, oh, and that hat most definitely!
Hell, I love everything about him!
Did you see he's named top Canadian hockey player? Nice.
While I adore all his sexy attributes, the one I love best is him looking all relaxed and comfortable. He's not being hounded by the press or people wanting things from him. For precioius moments like this he is just another guy. I love to see little glimpses of these moments. He deserves them, even more than most people.
I think I am in love.... no, I am :)
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