I got another e-mail and picture from HftL reader, Elizabeth. This time she was lucky enough to meet Mike Zigomanis.
My friend and I went down to watch the pens almost loose on Thursday. After the game we got to wait for the guys to come out and sign things. I got my picture taken with Ziggy (I never really looked at him until u had him on HOTWC and he's hot!) he didn't even seem to mind me totally forgetting his name (I was really excited and couldn't remember "Mike" so I ended up stuttering "Ziggymanis")! Max also stopped and signed, I didn't get pictures of him but when he signed for me I said "Max I love you" and he replied "Aw thanks... I love you too"! All in all it was a lot of fun.
THANKS, Elizabeth for remembering HftL and sharing your story and pic with us (keep 'em comin')!!
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13 years ago
Glad to be of "service", Elizibeth.
That is so cool, that he was so sweet to you. [Definatly don't hurt to look at him either].
LMAO, Max. Why does that SO not suprise me. [still laughing],
Ziggy signed for us too at Southpointe. He got out of the car and signed for every single person. So nice. He is a hottie.
omg i met zigomanis the morning before his first game in Pittsburgh, and he was SO nice. came out and spoke to all the fans, even though most didn't know that much about him cause it was his first day. He talked about the weather and how he already liked the city of Pittsburgh. He took a picture with me too and signed for everyone.
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