Although I do not speak French, I translated the page this video came from (Hockey30.com) which said, "Video: Max Talbot and women" and "Our partners Montreal.tv interviewed Maxim Talbot. We learn interesting things: Talbot prefer women in Montreal!"
See for yourself!
As my own sidenote, not only does Max get a strike for admitting that he prefers Montreal women (does he think we won't find out?!), but he gets another strike for that sweater / vest!!! Does he get dressed in the dark during off-season or is that how they like their men to dress in Montreal (in that case, the women of Montreal can HAVE him!)??? : P
Max has a weird taste in clothing.. i remember a game where they played in Montreal and one of the announcers commented on Max's suit when he came in, if i remember correctly he compared it to an old couch? haha
yea Max definetly has strange taste in clothing. But he just wouldn't be Max if he wore normal clothes lol
Max needs someone to help get him dressed cause he's not doing it right by himself.
I love max but after that comment I really hope he has trouble getting some ass when he gets back to pittsburgh
i think he looks adorable :) heheh but yes, i agree with anna, i loveeeeee maxy but i hope he does have some troubleee when he gets back to pittsburgh and holy crap he was in montreal when i was there....i wish i could have found himmmmm *sighh*
P.S. I am moving to Montreal and brushing up on French ;) hehehe :P
Some of Max's sweaters are a crime against humanity, lol. I can't blame him for the comment, it seems most guys say they prefer home town girls. At least he had the sense not to say any more like Varlamov did.
I don't know guys, any strike he gets, he gets back two for speaking in French - I could only type this after reviving myself from a puddle on the floor
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