Ovechkin is not afraid to be out in the open! i saw him like five times walking around in the Palms Casino, my mom said "Mr.Ovechkin" each time we saw him and he smiled(his ugly little smile) said "hi" and ran away because we had our Penguin Gear haha...he didn't deserve MVP...if it was up to the people in the audience that night it would have sooo been Geno! Soooo many people were screaming "GENO GENO" and maybe one person was saying "OV"! in fact I think that the section i was in were all penguin fans! which was nice! one of the guys screamed "HAL GILL IS MY MVP!" it was too funny! there was definitely a large number of penguin fans there! before it even started on live TV people were chanting "GENO! GENO!" It was nice to see Max and Geno there! but no Sid...that surprised me!
Ahh I was so sad that Sideny wasn't there! I was watching it on TV and couldn't figure out why they weren't showing him... I wonder if there's any reason why he didn't go?
@Zigh - not certain, but I think it may have been because he went to Colby's wedding.
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