Sunday, January 29, 2012

Letang: Sex-Hair or Not?!!

I've been hearing / reading alot of comments about Kris Letang's hair these days.  Most of which are that Tanger's hair is leaving alot to be desired (not the usual SEX-HAIR he's known for).  I have noticed that it's been looking a tad bit shaggy lately ... maybe a bit too long, or the "no-bangs" isn't a good look, but really - WHAT is going on with his hair??!!!
So I thought to myself, HOW can I make this into a post  because I'm curious to see what my HftL readers think about it and then I came up with a perfect solution ... I'll make it into a poll. 

So let your voices be heard ... what do you think of Tanger's hair now-a-days??

OR [not so much] SEX-HAIR???

(poll is to the left)


Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of his long hair anymore because 1) its getting wayy to long. (almost as long as mine) 2)i can only handle his hair now when its in a helmet cuase then it looks sexy! haha and 3)theres just something about tanger and shorter hair that makes him super sexy :)

Stephanie said...

I agree Nikki!! I also think he could use some bangs, but honestly, he's still pretty attractive!!! :)

THANKS Ffor posting a comment and taking part in the poll!! :)

stoneyblue said...

You know how I feel and I won't share the mental image....but then again my favorite FB player is Troy Polamalu....

Stephanie said...

OF COURSE I know and if I didn't, the Polamalu hint gave it away!! ; P

mtfree said...

Tanger needs to get a new 'do. The style of the longer hair he has now just isn't cutting it for me. Pardon the pun.

Stephanie said...

AGREED, Mary!!! :)

Stephanie said...

I honestly believe BANGS would help a little (I think that's what gives it the "SEX" factor) -- something in his face / eyes :)


JEM Publications said...

He's still sexy as sin, but yes it needs to be a little shorter and back to that designer mess he usually has.

sam said...

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Stephanie said...


I WAS going to delete the "comment" with the ovulation kit, but I'm leaving it there just because I find it amusing (some of u may be able to use it thinking about Letang ... if you're wanting babies - lol) ...

I apologize in advance if u don't get my humor, but I'm amused

PLEASE NOTE: any derogatory comments left will be deleted ...